Sorry, You Can’t Celebrate Mother’s Day Because It’s Racist

Anyone who had “Mother’s Day is racist” in the liberal progressive insanity office pool just hit the jackpot. As you know nothing triggers liberals more than holidays and they way they deal with their own self-loathing is to try to ruin celebrations for everyone else. You’d think they’d try to take Mother’s Day down with some kind of abortion temper tantrum, but this year they went a different direction and declared it racist.

Newsweek published an anti-Mother day screed by a leftist kook because of course they did. Check out this heartwarming title that will make you reach for the phone to call up dear old mom:


If the headline doesn’t have you feeling all warm and fuzzy inside about the woman who gave birth to you, the article surly will:

As we celebrate our moms and mommies this Mother’s Day, let us not forget that for some, motherhood is not an enjoyed privilege. For many Black, Indigenous and racialized women in Turtle Island (North America) and globally—motherhood is a fight for life.

The struggle for our maternal health and motherhood includes daily resistance against anti-Black racism, anti-indigeneity, sexism, classism and other forms of intersectional violence.

Huh? No seriously, huh? Anti-indigeneity?

The reality is, this article has almost nothing to do with Mother’s Day other than the author wants you to know how racist everything is all the time including on Mother’s Day:

The historical exploitation of Black and Indigenous women through forced sterilization, rape, medical experimentation and other forms of torture through scientific racism, African enslavement and Indigenous genocide directly impacts maternal health outcomes today.

Yo, it’s Mother’s Day, not Refusing To Move On Day or I Can’t Function Because Stuff Happened A Long Time Ago Day.

While the author presented the idea that Mother’s Day is inherently racist, it’s actually the author who is racist with this demand that we stop thinking about white women as being good moms:

We need to question our perceived notions of the “good mother,” supported through her pregnancy, encouraged to reproduce, usually identified as white, middle class and heterosexual. And we must question our ideas of the “bad mother”—generally not supported through her pregnancy, sometimes even discouraged to reproduce, usually identified as African/Black, Indigenous, racialized and poor.

Yeah, we don’t need to do any of that shit, mostly because it’s nonsense.

Somehow the article goes further off the rails as these quotes show. I’d like to give them some context, but that’s just not possible in this incoherent rant:

State-sanctioned colonialism directly impacts the maternal health of Black, Indigenous and racialized communities as racist divisions continue to impede the likelihood of Black and brown babies’ and mother’s survival during our pregnancies.

Anti-Black racism, intersectional violence and transgenerational trauma directly impact maternal health…

The daily stressors of racism, stereotypes and racial profiling can create ongoing and persistent trauma which impacts psychological or physiological health and can block accessibility to appropriate health care.

The complexity of the lives of Black and racialized LGBTQ and transgendered parents are often erased and many experience homophobic and transphobic violence including forced transvaginal exams during pregnancy and inappropriate comments while going for checkups or during birth.

Okay, you get the point. This author is f*cking nuts. That thing about “transgender parents” alone is proof of that.

Look, this is not hard. It’s Mother’s Day. Thank your mom for giving birth to you and not drowning you in the bathtub when you wouldn’t stop crying. Get her some flowers, take her to brunch, or make her a bitchin’ piece of macaroni art that says “Wuv U.” If you tell your mom you can’t celebrate her day because black trannies are exploited by colonialism, you don’t deserve a mother.