Bill Maher Guest Says Trump Should be Beaten To Death And Dismembered

During the Obama years you couldn’t even offer appropriate criticism of the president without being accused of racism and possibly losing your job. Now that Donald Trump is in the White House, you can wish the President dies a horrible bloody death and are applauded for your courage. A guest on Bill Maher’s unwatchable show says she wants President Trump to be beaten to death and dismembered and the audience went wild. My how times have changed.

Fran Lebowitz is a liberal writer of books nobody has actually read. It’s unclear why such a nobody is considered famous, but perhaps it has something to do with the fact that she’s a crazy-ass liberal. She appeared on Bill Maher’s HBO show Real Time, because apparently every relevant or interesting person was busy.

Maher asked him what he thought about Trump being impeached. Oops, sorry, my people have just informed me that Lebowitz is actually a woman. In any case Maher asked him/her if Trump should be impeached:

“Where are you on impeachment? Yes? No?” Maher asked.

“Where am I on impeachment? He certainly deserves to be impeachment,” Lebowitz replied.

Bill Maher agreed that Trump should be impeached, because of course he did.

“Impeachment would be just the beginning of what he deserves. Not even scratching the surface of what he deserves,” Lebowitz continued.

Now wait for it…

“Whenever I think about this and what he really deserves, I think we should turn him over to the Saudis. His buddies. The same Saudis, you know, who got rid of that reporter. Maybe they could do the same for him,” said Lebowitz.

That reporter that she is talking about is Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi who was beaten to death at the Saudi embassy in Turkey and then dismembered. It’s not a stretch to suggest that Fran Lebowitz wants the President of the United States to be pummeled to death and then chopped up into little pieces because she just said exactly that.

Bill Maher thought this was hilarious and the audience erupted in applause and laughter. Hey, is there anything funnier that wishing that the president dies a brutal death and his corpse mutilated? Oh wait, there’s actually lots of stuff that’s funnier than that and in fact, almost everything has more comedic value.

To put this into perspective, check out this thing from Yahoo! News back in 2013:

The Missouri State Fair on Monday imposed a lifetime ban on a rodeo clown whose depiction of President Barack Obama getting charged by a bull was widely criticized…

The rodeo clown won’t be allowed to participate or perform at the fair again. Fair officials say they’re also reviewing whether to take any action against the Missouri Rodeo Cowboy Association, the contractor responsible for Saturday’s event.

Or this from TMZ back in 2012:

Ever wonder why R. Lee Ermey only did one hysterical commericla for Geico? The “Full Metal Jacket” star says the insurance giant gave him a pink slip because of his political beliefs.

Ermey famously bashed President Barack Obama in December 2010, saying his administration was trying to “impose socialism” on the American people and was “destroying the country.”

He apologized at the time for those comments, but the other day he told our photog that Geico fired him over the incident. He explained, “If you’re a conservative in this town, you better watch out.”

Or have some fun reading this article: Six Times People Got FIRED After Criticizing Michelle Obama

So mocking or criticizing the Obamas gets a person fired, but hoping President Trump dies a violent bloody death gets applause on a liberal talk show? Sounds about right with the liberal double-standard of shittiness.

And the fact is, Lebowitz didn’t just wish that Trump dies a gory death, she said he should be beaten to death and dismembered, which is a direct threat. Does the Secret Service even look into this stuff any more or are there so many liberals threatening to kill the President that they don’t have the man-power to investigate?