Pete Buttigieg: Security And Freedom Mean Gun Bans And Open Borders

The liberal media has been presenting South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg as a centrist democrat who can appeal to working class Trump voters. Like everything else the liberal media says, this is a lie. Buttigieg just released all of his policy platforms and he may be the craziest leftist in the crop democratic 2020 hopefuls. He’s all about the socialism and says our security and freedom depend on banning guns and opening up the borders to unchecked immigration.

On his website, Buttigieg laid out all of the shitty things he would do to this country if he were elected president. Under the title of “freedom” these are the thing he thinks will guarantee our liberty:

“Medicare for All Who Want It” Pete believes in universal health care. The health care system we have today is both unjust and inefficient.

Freedom means access to affordable higher education. Debt-free college

Major federal investment in…climate adaptation and resilience.

Freedom means racial justice, and reversing the damage of past and present racism to our communities, policies, and politics. Create a commission to propose reparations policies for Black Americans and close the racial wealth gap. Only by remedying the vestiges of slavery and confronting our nation’s shameful history of racism can we move to a place where full freedom is attainable for Black communities.

Freedom means being able to make decisions about your reproductive health based on what’s right for you. The government’s role should be to make sure all women have access to comprehensive affordable care, and that includes preventive care, contraceptive services, prenatal and postpartum care, and safe and legal abortion.

A person’s sexual orientation or gender identity should not limit them from pursuing their dreams and realizing their full potential…reverse the ban on transgender military service

So according to George Orwell’s novel 1984, er I mean Pete Buttigieg, freedom is socialism, abortions, and ladyboys in the military.

That’s frightening, but somehow his idea of security is even worse:

Security means protecting our environment and treating climate change and climate disruption like the national emergency it is. Implement a Green New Deal with all available tools including a carbon tax-and-dividend…

It’s time to put an end to endless war and focus on how best to use America’s strengths to address future threats, including climate security as a key basis for diplomacy.

Comprehensive immigration reform must include a pathway to citizenship for immigrants living, working, paying taxes, and contributing to our American story, including DREAMers; resources to end the backlogs in our lawful immigration and asylum processes…evaluate ICE and CBP practices…prevent arbitrary targeting of immigrant communities by enforcement officials

Raise the minimum wage to $15 and strengthen overtime protections

Security means ensuring every American family has safe, affordable housing.

Increase federal resources for countering domestic terrorism and white supremacist violence

So according to the Ministry of Truth (oops, I did it again), I mean Pete Buttigieg, security is fighting non-existent global warming, raising the minimum wage, free housing, open borders, and cracking down on whitey.

It is in his “gun safety reform” however that security takes on a new meaning:

Security means common-sense gun laws. Raise the standard of gun protection and ownership to make all Americans safer

So make it harder for people to get guns to make them safer? How does that work? Apparently like this:

Hold the gun industry accountable

Ban military-style assault weapons

Establish a nationwide gun licensing system

Yup, that’s right. Attacking gun makers, banning weapons, and making people pay and beg for their gun rights is “commonsense” that makes us all safer.

And speaking of things that make no sense…

Pete knows that America can protect gun rights and balance the Second Amendment with sensible gun laws. He understands that solving the gun violence epidemic requires a comprehensive approach, and that begins with universal background checks as the foundation for reducing gun violence. Pete also understands that solutions to gun violence are not an “either-or” proposition, and universal background checks must be accompanied by a package of other reforms to reduce gun deaths nationwide…

Ban guns and making it harder and costlier to own guns is not in balance with the 2nd Amendment and does the opposite of protecting gun rights. Does charging a poll tax and banning elections preserve one’s right to vote? No, and this crap doesn’t do anything but eliminate the right to keep and bear arms.

I was joking around, but this is some straight up Orwellian Doublethink. Buttigieg is trying to sell that freedom is surrendering all of our rights and money to socialist system where the government tells us what to do and how to think. Like I said, Buttigieg just emerged as the most extreme leftist running for president.