Maxine Waters Thinks President Trump’s Immigration Plan Is Very Racist

President Trump unveiled his immigration plan yesterday, which is merit based but definitely not race-based. Facts don’t matter to democrats and they matter even less to Maxine Waters so naturally the California Rep. thinks Trump is a giant racist. More specifically she thinks his immigration plan is “very racist.” I’m also pretty sure she thinks his shoes are racist, but that’s for another article.

Trump’s immigration plan would streamline the process for legitimate asylum seekers and give preferential treatment to potential immigrants who aren’t giant pieces of shit. You’d think that even democrats could get behind a plan that helps victims of war and famine seek refuge but, as I already mentioned, it came from Trump so they hate it.

Waters took her outrage to CNN, the official democratic party home of outrage:

The CNN asked Waters very specifically if she would be open to changes of any kind to legal immigration. She responded by listing all of the things she’d like to see changed about illegal immigration instead.

“We need comprehensive immigration reform, that takes into consideration those people who are in the country illegally. Takes into consideration whether or not there would be implorment efforts,” said waters.

Yeah, she said immigration reform has to consider “implorment efforts” for illegal aliens. I don’t know what the means and a I don’t care.

Waters kept rambling on about what has to be done to accommodate illegal alines, completely ignoring the question about legal immigration that was asked of her, and then she said this crazy-ass thing:

“And not immigration reform based on exciting and inciting those people who have negative thoughts about others coming across our border, and basically working to use that information to promote himself in a campaign. And I think some of that is very racist,” Waters said.

Huh? What is very racist? I’ve watched that clip several times and I have absolutely no idea what she’s trying to claim is racist.

The CNN host couldn’t figure it out either so he asked.

“What exactly, so our views know, are you saying is racist?” the host asked.

“Well, you know, this business about you must speak English. We gonna give you points for speaking English. And we don’t want poor people. We only want people who are earning substantial wages already. All of those things are not keeping in step with the way that we treat human being,” said Waters. “I think that some of those policies are racist.”

Oh, now I get it. She says expecting immigrants to assimilate is racist. That expecting them to learn our language is racist. I can see why she thinks that because her English skills are not spectacular, but she shouldn’t worry. Nobody’s going to deny her a work visa because she sounds like Mushmouth from Fat Albert, she is unfortunately an American citizen.

Waters also said that a reasonable expectation of assimilation, “is not keeping with what this country is supposed to be all about.”

Every major group of immigrants who ever came to this country learned how to speak English and assimilated to our culture. That is 100% what this country is about. The notable exception to this is the more recent flood of scumbags from Central America, who don’t give a shit about our language, culture, or laws.

Unsurprisingly Maxine Waters thinks something that comes from President Trump is racist. The real shocker would be if she thought something he did or said was not racist. That and her forming a coherent thought or a complete sentence in which she pronounced all of the words correctly.