Kirsten Gillibrand Tells Taxpayers To STFU And Pay For Abortions

Walking dumb blond joke Kirsten Gillibrand is running for president in 2020 and so far exactly 0% support from likely democratic voters. Perhaps it has something to do with how wrong she manages to get everything. Liberals are currently pitching a shit-fit over laws passed in states like Alabama that protect the rights of the unborn and the acceptable outrage is to say that the government isn’t allowed to tell women what they can do with their vaginas. Gillibrand take on the issue however is that taxpayers need to shut up and pay for abortions. If she got the memo, she clearly didn’t read it or understand it.

Today was a “day of action” which means a bunch of ugly feminists who will never need an abortion showed up in front of the Supreme Court to demand abortions they will never need. Gillibrand wandered up in hopes of finding at least one person who will support her 2020 bid. Instead she found a reporter willing to interview her and she more than lived up to the dumb blonde stereotype.

The reporter asked her about the Hyde Amendment, which is a piece of legislation that more or less bans federal funds from being used to pay for abortion.

“What would you say to taxpayers out there who say ‘I support everyone having their own freedom but when it comes to my tax dollars abortion isn’t something I want to support,’” the reporter asked.

“We have a tenet in our Constitution, it’s called separation of church and state and I do not believe that is a valid argument,” replied Gillibrand.

Well no, there is no such thing in the Constitution about the separation of church and state. Isn’t Gillibrand a US Senator who swore to uphold and defend the Constitution? She should at least read it once to know what her sworn duty is, don’t you think?

Also, she just said that anyone who doesn’t want to have their tax dollars pay for abortions doesn’t have a valid argument, which is again wrong.

“We need to make sure that women, regardless of their income level, have a basic right to reproductive care,” Gillibrand continued.

Killing babies, as abortions tend to do, is most certainly not “reproductive care” as it completely stops the reproduction process. This chick doesn’t know shit about anything.

“It’s about our humanity and it’s about our basic civil rights,” said Gillibrand.

Snuffing out an innocent human life in the womb is the least human thing anyone could do and no, abortion is not a basic civil right. I’m serious, Gillibrand should read the Constitution because her understanding of it is way off.

“I would work to guarantee that no matter what state you live in, you have access to reproductive services,” Gillibrand finished.

So there you go: Gillibrand says if she were president (it’ll never happen) she would make it so everyone could get “free” abortions courtesy of the generous US taxpayers.

Gillibrand managed to get everything wrong in her statement, but it’s her basic premise that is most flawed. According to her, people only oppose abortion for religious reasons and since there’s nothing in the Constitution about the separation of church and state that means the government has to pay for abortions. This is dumb even for her.

I find her ignorance amusing but the funniest thing about this video is that there isn’t one angry feminist within 50 feet of Gillibrand. Not only doesn’t she have any support from democratic voters, they won’t even get within spitting distance of her.