Watch Jeff Daniels Incoherently Accuse GOP Of Racism

We heard from Dumb (Jim Carrey) earlier on abortion and now Dumber (Jeff Daniels) is chiming in on how racist the Republican Party is. At least that’s what I think he’s talking about. He is one babbling loony and it’s really hard to understand what point he’s trying to make. Clearly he hates Trump and the Republicans and he used a bunch of race-related words, so chances are he was accusing the GOP of racism.

Daniels was on MSNBC promoting some play he’s in, because what’s more exciting than a has-been actor in a stage production? He started out by saying the he lives in Michigan and scolded his fellow Midwesterners for voting for Trump in 2016. He then issued an ultimatum to folks in “fly-over country” to get rid of Trump in 2020 or else. He didn’t really say what the “or else” meant but did say anyone who votes for Trump should be ashamed because the “children are watching.”

This interview was already dumb and then it went dumber with this incoherent line:

“At the end of the day, aside from not wanting to pay taxes, it’s race. It’s all about race. This is about the Republican Party, or a wing of it, going, ‘This is our last chance to save the party, and if we don’t, it’s the end of the Republican Party.’ The only way they could do that was tap the race button and say, ‘Go ahead, it’s OK,’ and he did, and they did. And that was the only card they had left to play, and they played it, and they aren’t going to go quietly.,” said Daniels.

Wait, did the Republican tap the race button or play the race card? I’m confused. Could it be that had both a race card and button, because that would be crazy.

I’ve looked at this quote long and hard, and this is what I think he is trying to say: According to Daniels in 2016 the Republican Party, which held both chambers of Congress and most of the State Houses and governorships, was in reality on the brink of extinction. To solve this problem, they hit the race button, whatever that is, to allow Donald Trump to be racist and win the White House, thus saving the GOP from oblivion. The reason they hit the race button, whatever the hell that is, was because they only card they had left to play was the race card.

Stunning, right? I see Daniels is as good at politics and he is acting.

Besides all of the dumb race metaphors, everything about his theory is complete bullshit. In 2016 the GOP was as strong as it ever was, plus they managed to win the White House. Republicans weren’t then, nor are they now, in danger of fading not obscurity. On top of that, it’s the democrats that run on race and play the identity politics game. Finally, Trump’s racism only exists in the fantasy world of liberalism so he and the GOP weren’t hitting race buttons or playing race cards.

Daniels finished by saying that Republicans in Congress are cowards for not standing up to Trump.

“You are all worthless to me right now. I need people to stand up an be heroic. Who are you because democracy is at stake,” Daniels said.

Isn’t that cute? Daniels thinks that as a democrat, Republicans owe it to him to get rid of the freely-elected Republican president. He claims democracy is at stake if the Republicans don’t hook him up, but obviously Daniels has no idea how the system works. Democracy isn’t one scatterbrained D-list celebrity dictating public policy, it’s all of the people making those decisions.

The only legitimate point Daniels made in this interview is that he wasn’t acting in the Dumb and Dumber films, that’s how he is in real life.