Liberal Website Demands ‘Grandkids Strike’ To Force Parents Into Voting For Democrats

This is a sure sign that the crop of 2020 democratic hopefuls are such a bunch of losers that even liberals recognize it. Leftist website Slate is demanding that Millennials refuse to bear grandchildren unless their Baby Boomer and Gen X parents vote for democrats and support progressive idiocy. Obviously the democrats aren’t going to win the White House with their unconstitutional, anti-American, socialist ideas, so desperate times call for desperate measures.

Slate started out this “Grandkid Strike” by giving actress Alyssa Milano crap for her sex strike to expand the unborn baby-killing privileges of irresponsible women. After saying that sex shouldn’t be used as a political weapon, Slate proposes, “harnessing one’s sexual and reproductive powers for social good.” It’s the same thing but liberals think if they word bad ideas differently they mean different things.

Here’s the pitch:

Here’s an idea! Change your parents’ bad voting habits by refusing to breed.

Instead of a sex strike, let’s try a grandkid strike.

t’s time to demand that baby boomers and Gen Xers decide which they’d rather have: their vague attachments to policies that have poisoned the earth and will soon make it difficult for anyone but the obscenely wealthy to live healthy, happy lives, or a pack of adorable munchkins in itty-bitty suspenders ready for unlimited tickle fights and cookie-baking sessions.

And they are serious about this:

Just imagine: Your Republican parents are lukewarm on Donald Trump but will probably support his reelection, or maybe they’re Democrats who’ve sworn they’ll never elect a “socialist.” They’ve been bugging you and your partner to have kids for years; perhaps they’ve even kept your old sandbox and bedtime books in their basement in hopes of breaking them out again when you decide to breed. You sit them down and break the news: You’re not going to make any grandchildren anytime soon.

This plan to deny grandchildren involves forcing parents to vote for progressive candidates, donate to liberals causes, and engage in leftist activism.

Maybe you’ll have an extra kid for every act of highly visible civil disobedience they perform, like chaining themselves to the Statue of Liberty or scaling a flagpole to remove a Confederate flag.

Sounds reasonable. Or not.

The point is, your parents will be forced to decide which is more important to them: their ill-informed allegiance to trickle-down economics, or their ability to lavish love upon a squishy, nice-smelling, giggly little cutie patootie. The up-by-your-bootstraps mythology, or watching their own children grow into loving, capable parents. NIMBYism, or a fridge covered in finger-painted renderings of whales eating hamburgers. The Second Amendment, or a lovebug—in a bath towel with tiny cat ears on the hood—who will possibly look like them and/or carry on their last names. Unregulated carbon emissions, or someone who yells “Nana!” or “Pop Pop!” and runs over for a big, wet smooch whenever they enter the room. It’s their choice!

So it’s either grandkids or civil rights and a free-market economy? Why would anyone want their grandchildren to live in an oppressive socialist shithole? Maybe a better question is: why do Millennials want to live in an oppressive socialist shithole? I guess maybe because they’re dumb and, if you really think about it, stupid people shouldn’t breed. The choice is clear.

Liberals have tried so many stupid things, besides winning elections, to get rid of Donald Trump but now it’s devolved into a full-scale toddler temper tantrum. If they want to throw themselves on the floor and scream until we buy them a toy or hold their breath until they are blue in the face because we won’t give them a cookie, let ‘em. The only way they will learn how to act like big boys and girls is to stand firm and not give into their antics.