Relax, It’s Okay That Trump Agrees With Kim Jong Un That Biden’s An Idiot

The latest faux liberal outrage has the left pretending that President Trump is guilty of treason for agreeing with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. The thing is, Trump isn’t siding with Kim on military or political matters; both men are in agreement that former VP Joe Biden is an idiot. Not only is this a fact, but also Biden isn’t the United States of America so turning against him is definitely not an act of treason.

Last week North Korean TV called Biden “a low IQ idiot,” which was actually borrowing from something President Trump said last March in which he called the former veep “a low IQ individual.”

Over the weekend, Trump was in Japan when he sent this tweet that has triggered all of liberaldom:

“Swampman?” Another good one, Mr. President.

Also while in Japan, Trump said this at a press conference with prime minister Shinzo Abe:

“Kim Jong Un made a statement that Joe Biden is a low IQ individual. He probably is based on his record. I think I agree with him on that,” said Trump.

Joe Biden has a public record of saying stupid things as well as making stupid decisions. It’s not even debatable on whether he’s an idiot or not, it’s settled science. Liberals know Biden is a low IQ idiot, but they’ve run out of things to flip out over Trump, so naturally they’ve turned this into a big fake outrage.

Virginia Rep. Gerry Connelly found this unacceptable:

While NY Rep. Hakeem Jeffries called Trump a fake President:

And forehead model Joe Scarborough was breathless in his condemnation of Trump:

But it was Biden’s campaign that ironically had the dumbest reaction of all:

“To be on foreign soil, on Memorial Day, and to side repeatedly with a murderous dictator against a fellow American and former Vice President speaks for itself. And it’s part of a pattern of embracing autocracies at the expense of our institutions – whether taking Putin’s word at face value in Helsinki or exchanging ‘love letters’ with Kim Jong Un,” said Biden communications director Kate Bedingfield.

Was that a homophobic jab with that thing about the love letters? How progressive of the Biden campaign.

As I already hinted at, Joe Biden is not America or even an American institution. He’s a creepy goofball that was once employed in government. It’s okay for Trump to criticize and insult him, even if the dictator of North Korea has the same position.

There’s even more reason was this liberal outrage is completely manufactured. Check this thing out from CNN in 2015:

Lately, though, he’s had another target in his sights: Republicans.

On his last two foreign swings, Obama has offered blistering criticism about the slate of candidates who are vying to replace him on the GOP side, lambasting their policy proposals and implying they lack the gravitas to do his job.

His remarks wouldn’t sound out of place during a press conference in the White House briefing room or at a speech to a room of Democratic fundraisers. But it’s a new phenomenon for Obama — and rare for U.S. presidents generally — to use such pointed language about political rivals on the world stage.

What? Obama talked shit about his political rivals on foreign soil? Yes, Obama did the exact thing that liberals are outraged over because Trump did it.

It’s not like Trump gave North Korea planeloads of cash to continue their nuclear weapons program, he agreed with Kim Jong Un that Joe Biden is an idiot. In order for the democrats to be legitimately outraged over this, they have to prove that Biden isn’t an idiot and that’s something they can’t do.