Make It Stop! Zero Percenter Kirsten Gillibrand Raps And Dances

New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is running for the democratic party nomination in 2020 and is currently polling at 0% among likely democratic voters. She definitely needs to do something to jumpstart her campaign, but this ain’t it. At a sparsely-attended event Gillibrand actually rapped and danced and yes, it’s the most embarrassingly white thing you’ve ever seen.

Some little girl in the crowd asked Gillibrand what her favorite Lizzo song is and this is what the democrat thought was a good response:

Yikes, right? Who is that supposed to appeal to? I can’t image black people are looking at this video and thinking she’s just like them and deserves their vote. If Gillibrand played air guitar, banged her head, and screamed the lyrics to Slayer’s Raining Blood it wouldn’t change my opinion of her. I think she’s an idiot and any attempt to pander me would be futile.

Maybe the good news is that after this embarrassment it’s impossible for Gillibrand to lose support since she doesn’t have any. When you are at 0% it’s thankfully impossible to go lower than that. Then again, this was such a train wreck that maybe she’ll start polling below zero. Hillary Clinton failed to break the glass ceiling, but Kirsten Gillibrand may be the first woman to break the glass floor.

I honestly had no idea who Lizzo is, so I did a little research and it turns out she’s a big fat lady from Detroit who raps. I can’t say that I found any evidence that she’s a popular star, which makes me wonder if this little girl’s question was set up just so Gillibrand could shake her saggy old white ass. It seems like if a kid were to ask her what her favorite song was, it would be from a much more widely known artist.

In the course of my research I found the song that Gillibrand was singing and it brings up another problem: She got the lyrics wrong:

As you can see in the video, Lizzo’s line that she repeats a million times is, “I do my hair toss, check my nails, baby how you feeling’?”

And yet Gillibrand sang, “I flip my hair back, check my nails, baby how you feeling’?”

Until today I have never heard of Lizzo and even I know that Gillibrand got the lyrics wrong.

If a Republican misquoted a song the liberal media would savage him or her. If that song was by a black artist, especially if this mythical Republican were white, the liberal media would scream racism and cultural appropriation. Gillibrand may have no support for president, but she’s still a democrat and covered by the liberal double-standard protection clause.

A lot of people on social media have compared Gillibrand’s rap to Howard Dean’s embarrassing scream that sunk his presidential aspirations in 2004:

But the thing is, Howard Dean had support and momentum before his girly scream tanked his campaign. As I mentioned, Gillibrand is already at the bottom so in reality this embarrassing moment won’t change things one way or the other. Still, it can’t be a proud moment for her.