Nancy Pelosi Wants To See President Trump In Prison

Nancy Pelosi says she wants to see President Trump behind bars, which may go well with her purple-sky delusional world of giant Gummi bears and three-legged leprechauns. In an attempt to quell the democrat uprising to impeach Trump, Pelosi is saying that they should just wait until he loses reelection and then goes to jail for imaginary crimes. There really isn’t anything that isn’t crazy about Pelosi’s plan, but then again it’s a Pelosi plan.

Many of the lunatics in the democratic party are demanding that Pelosi allow them to begin impeachment proceedings against President Trump. She has resisted the push and on Tuesday went full cuckoo to explain why she won’t cave to the crazies in her party.

Politico reports:

Pelosi met with Nadler (D-N.Y.) and several other top Democrats who are aggressively pursuing investigations against the president, according to multiple sources. Nadler and other committee leaders have been embroiled in a behind-the-scenes turf battle for weeks over ownership of the Democrats’ sprawling investigation into Trump.

Nadler pressed Pelosi to allow his committee to launch an impeachment inquiry against Trump — the second such request he’s made in recent weeks only to be rebuffed by the California Democrat and other senior leaders. Pelosi stood firm, reiterating that she isn’t open to the idea of impeaching Trump at this time.

“I don’t want to see him impeached, I want to see him in prison,” said Pelosi.

I want to see the Detroit Lions win the Super Bowl, but some things just ain’t going to happen. At least I acknowledge how far-fetched my fantasies are.

Instead of impeachment, Pelosi still prefers to see Trump defeated at the ballot box and then prosecuted for his alleged crimes, according to the sources.

Solid plan, psycho. But what if Trump hasn’t actually committed any crimes? You know, like how Trump hasn’t actually committed any crimes?

Look, if Trump had done anything remotely illegal, special counsel Robert Mueller would have indicted him. Instead, he found that there was nothing close to a crime he could hit the President with and even wrote a whole report about that.

Pelosi’s big plan of action is to hope that Trump loses in 2020 and then that some liberal prosecutor will be able to invent charges against him and somehow get a conviction. The chances of any of this stuff happening are as remote as Pelosi being able to distinguish between her own asshole and a hole in the ground. That is to say, it ain’t happening.

As I said, there is is no substance to the the liberal mythology that Trump has obstructed justice or committed an other crime. Putting him in prison over phantom charges is a pipe dream. The democrats’ insistence that Trump is guilty of something they can’t explain to the people is one of the many reasons why he’s going to win reelection.

Things get worse for the democrats because the crop of unelectable weirdos they are running in 2020 don’t stand a chance of defeating Trump. Besides being unlikable, the democratic candidates are running on socialism, infanticide, open borders, higher taxes, and less freedom. For some strange reason shit like this doesn’t resonate with the general population.

Pursuing Pelosi’s plan to get rid of Trump is about as sane as hoping that Darth Vader will blow him up with the Death Star. Sure, anything is possible, but some things, especially crazy things, are not very likely.

Remember how furious and offended democrats were when Trump was leading chants of “lock her up” in regards to actual crimes committed by Hillary Clinton? Isn’t that pretty much what Pelosi is doing here? I guess things are only bad when Republicans do them.