Democrats Pour Resources Into Florida For ‘Operation Cheat Trump’

Democrats are looking to do everything possible to deny President Trump a second term in the White House and there are already boots on the ground in the critical swing state of Florida.

The 2020 election may still be nearly a year and a half away but Sunshine State Dems are working to organize and train at least 15,000 lawyers, support staff and activist shock troops to mount a challenge of election results if Trump wins.

It is yet another example of how the party no longer respects the concept of democracy and whether it be through manipulating vote counts, mounting court challenges, de-platforming pro-Trump voices on social media or eliminating the Electoral College, there is no way that they are going to honor the will of the people if it goes against them.

Last November’s recounts were a blatant attempt to steal victories from Governor Ron DeSantis and Senator Rick Scott when millions of dollars poured into the state by far-left billionaires like Tom Steyer and George Soros came up short and shady socialist Andrew Gillum and incumbent career politician Bill Nelson came up short.

Even though there was much trickery by activist county election supervisors like Brenda Snipes to put her thumb on the scale in Broward County, the recounts still went in the favor of Republicans and there is no amount of resources that Democrats and their deep-pocketed funders won’t throw into the state to cheat Trump next year.

In a speech to activists in Orlando, hired gun Brandon Peters who is the Democrats’ new Voter Protection Director confirmed that post-election action to overturn the results is a new tool in the party’s shed that will be utilized rather than simply accepting the numbers after the votes have been tallied.

According to the Associated Press:

The new voter protection director for Florida Democrats told party activists on Saturday that they should assume there will be a recount during next year’s presidential election.

“We are going to be prepared,” Brandon Peters told a packed room of Democratic activists at the state party’s Leadership Blue 2019 meeting at Walt Disney World in Orlando.

Peters, who was hired by the state party last month, said there will be teams of volunteers trained in how to monitor county canvassing boards for recount problems around the state, should one take place in the 2020 presidential election.

Florida became famous for recounts after the 2000 presidential election, and last year there were recounts in three statewide races. The Florida Democratic Party is the second state Democratic party in the nation to hire a voter protection director, behind the Georgia Democratic Party.

Peters said by July 2020 he hopes to have 15,000 lawyers and volunteers in place around the state to address any voter problems.

In a nutshell, Democrats and their motley crew of socialist candidates already know that they are going to lose and are working hard to get their people into a place where they can reverse the results by disallowing legitimate votes.

As Stalin himself once famously remarked, “The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”

It’s impossible to overstate the importance of Florida in terms of the general election. The winner of the state has gone on to the White House in the last six presidential elections and an astounding 21 of the last 23 with only John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton being the exceptions.

The Democrats new motto should be: If you can’t beat him, cheat him.