Democrat Is Tired Of ‘Sex-Starved’ Men Talking About Abortion

Democrats are great at being full of shit but terrible at framing a decent debate . They can’t arguing the facts and certainly don’t have any informed opinions on any subject. On the House floor today, a Republican argued that taxpayer dollars should not be used to fund abortions and the democratic rebuttal was accusing men of being sex-starved idiots who aren’t allowed to talk about abortion. There were no F-bpmbs or accusations of racism, but this was still pretty bad for democrats.

The House democrats continued their nonsense legislation agenda on Wednesday by introducing a Title IX bill that would authorize taxpayer-funded abortions. How do you get free government abortions over non-discrimination of women in college sports? You’ll have to ask the democrats on that one, because this is crazy even for them. In any case, Republican Rep. Ross Spano took the floor to point out the ridiculousness of it all:

“For more than 40 years, this country operated under the policy that not one cent of taxpayer money can be used to fund abortion. We are a nation that deeply values religious liberty. This rule further protects Americans’ tax dollars being forced to subsidize entities that kill unborn children. Accordingly, I’m fully supportive of Rep. Roby’s amendment that we will debate this afternoon to strike the language that would halt this important rule and the other amendments that will restore pro-life policies to this legislation. I encourage all of my colleagues to support these provisions,” said Spano.

Proving how bad democrats are at intelligently arguing and defending their whacko shit, California Rep. Norma Torres took the floor and barfed up this:

“Mr. Speaker, it is tiring to hear from so many sex-starved males on this floor talk about a woman’s right to choose,” said Torres.

What does that even mean? No seriously, it’s like a soundbite that liberals will eat up, but it doesn’t seem remotely relevant to what Spano said. Is she saying that anyone who opposes taxpayer-funded abortions holds that position because they don’t get laid enough? Is she saying that people who want to protect the lives of unborn babies don’t get enough pussy? Honestly, I don’t get this at all.

Unfortunately, we will never get an explanation for this. Republican Rod Woodall, who was presiding over the proceedings, asked Torres very politely if she wanted to reconsider her stupid words and withdraw them from the record.

“Mr. Speaker, if it pleases my colleagues on the other side, I will withdraw my statement about sex-starved males on the floor,” said Torres sarcastically.

Keep in mind that this wasn’t some social media flare-up between anonymous dorks; this was an argument from an elected representative of the people against another. This was a democrat trying to go on record saying that men are too horny to have an opinion on the way our money should be spent.

Try to imagine a male Rep. saying this on the House floor:

“Madam Speaker, I’m growing tired of slutty women having opinions on things that are clearly men’s issues.”

I feel like a male democrat could get away with that if he was going off on a female Republican, but if a Republican man said that about any woman it would be armageddon. Not only do liberals have special rules, liberal women have special-special rules.

All of this is just a really long way of saying that democrats are bullshit hypocrites, which you already knew. Sorry for wasting your time.