Comrade Bernie Calls For Socialist Revolution

Bernie Sanders has just turned the 2020 election into a referendum on socialism and the future of the nation hangs in the balance as the ruinous ideology continues to take hold in America with the younger generation.

Sensing that now is his special time in history even as he struggles to keep up with establishment favorite and former Vice President Joe Biden in polls, Comrade Bernie is no longer pussyfooting around about the radical transformation that has long been his dream.

In a thunderous speech before students at George Washington University on Wednesday, the braying old crank laid out his plans of full-blown class warfare by cherry picking history and mixing in a generous helping of racial animosity which will be critical to see the socialist revolution come to fruition.

Most of all, Crazy Bernie attacked President Trump and proclaimed that his version of “Democratic Socialism” was the silver bullet that others have failed to produce since four years ago when the billionaire outsider rode down that escalator in Trump Tower and reduced both the Bush and Clinton political dynasties to smoking rubble.

And in an Orwellian bit of trickery, the canny old closet commie is now accusing Trump himself of being a socialist.

Some key excerpts from the horse’s mouth via the transcript:

In the year 2019 the United States and the rest of the world face two very different political paths. On one hand, there is a growing movement towards oligarchy and authoritarianism in which a small number of incredibly wealthy and powerful billionaires own and control a significant part of the economy and exert enormous influence over the political life of our country.

On the other hand, in opposition to oligarchy, there is a movement of working people and young people who, in ever increasing numbers, are fighting for justice.

They are the teachers taking to the streets to make certain that schools are adequately funded and that their students get a quality education.

They are workers at Disney, Amazon, Walmart and the fast food industry standing up and fighting for a living wage of at least $15 an hour and the right to have a union.

They are young people taking on the fossil fuel industry and demanding policies that transform our energy system and protect our planet from the ravages of climate change.

They are women who refuse to give control of their bodies to local, state and federal politicians.

They are people of color and their allies demanding an end to systemic racism and massive racial inequities that exist throughout our society.

Across the globe, the movement toward oligarchy runs parallel to the growth of authoritarian regimes – like Putin in Russia, Xi in China, Mohamed Bin Salman in Saudi Arabia, Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines, Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, and Viktor Orbán in Hungry among others.

These leaders meld corporatist economics with xenophobia and authoritarianism. They redirect popular anger about inequality and declining economic conditions into violent rage against minorities — whether they are immigrants, racial minorities, religious minorities or the LGBT community. And to suppress dissent, they are cracking down on democracy and human rights.

In the United States, of course, we have our own version of this movement – which is being led by President Trump and many of his Republican allies who are attempting to divide our country up and attack these same communities. How sad it is that President Trump sees these authoritarian leaders as friends and allies.

This authoritarian playbook is not new. The challenge we confront today as a nation, and as a world, is in many ways not different from the one we faced a little less than a century ago, during and after the Great Depression in the 1930s. Then, as now, deeply-rooted and seemingly intractable economic and social disparities led to the rise of right-wing nationalist forces all over the world.

Today, we are all rightly repulsed by the sight of neo-Nazis and Klansmen openly marching in Charlottesville, VA, and we are horrified by houses of worship being shot up by right-wing terrorists. But on February 20, 1939, over 20,000 Nazis held a mass rally – not in Berlin, not in Rome, but in Madison Square Garden, in front of a 30-foot-tall banner of George Washington — bordered with swastikas — in New York City.

But back then, those American extremists could not replicate the success of their authoritarian brethren across the ocean because we in the United States, thankfully, made a different choice than Europe did in responding to the era’s social and economic crises.

It was the sort of deceptive and vicious demagoguery that was typically seen in early-1930s German beer halls and Bernie made it clear that white people and the productive elements of society will be the scapegoats along with Trump.

As a gimmick to sell his extremism and lies, Bernie repeatedly invoked Democrat hero, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt:

He conveniently omitted how FDR presided over a shameful era when American citizens of Japanese descent were rounded up, had their possessions confiscated by the government and were thrown into internment camps; a practice that was commonplace in the totalitarian Soviet Union and Castro’s Cuba which Sanders has often praised.

As for his Democrat opponents, a befuddled senior citizen had this to say:

Then on Wednesday night, Sanders chatted with CNN’s wealthy celebrity anchor Anderson Cooper and when asked how he intends to pay for his programs, stated that Americans will be “delighted” to surrender their money to an authoritarian socialist government through huge tax hikes on productive members of society.

The voters will ultimately have the say on how “delighted” that they will be but Bernie’s gambit stinks of desperation now that Elizabeth Warren who is also a socialist but hasn’t called for the demolition of the capitalist system itself is nipping at his heels with Mayor Pete closely behind.

It could be that Sanders is rallying his army of historically ignorant young people, unskilled burger flippers who want to be paid $15 an hour and freebie-grabbing chiselers for a possible break from the Democrats and a third-party run if he perceives that he is being screwed by the DNC again.

But make no mistake, this is a man whose ideas are very dangerous and if he is able to wrangle the coveted endorsement of his own disciple Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, he could be a force to be reckoned with.