Racism Alert: Democrats Attack Black Republican For Opposing Socialism

When Republicans use POC Ilhan Omar’s exact words against her, democrats call it literal violence and racism. If thems the rules then democrats are guilty of super-violence and ultra-racism for twisting the black Lt. Governor of North Carolina’s words against socialism around to attack him. Of course democrats’ rules are meant for others, not themselves, so this is only racist violence to people who aren’t full of shit.

Mark Robinson is the Republican Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina and as you can see, he’s a patriot. You thought I was going to say “black” didn’t you?

“Tell our enemies on the other side of the aisle that would to drag this nation down into a socialist hellhole that you will only do it  when you run past me laying on the ground choking on my own blood because I will not give up this nation to you. It is not yours, you did not build it, you did not defend it, and you will not own it. We will, the Christian patriots of this nation will own this nation and rule this nation and help freedom survive for future generations,” said Robinson.

That’s quite a stirring speech, actually. It’s got me pumped up at least.

Obviously democrats don’t see it the same way but that’s because they are morons. Robinson simply stated that he’s ready to lay his life on the line to defend America from socialism and to preserve freedom. This is not a threat of violence against anyone, it’s an affirmation of the oath all Congress members take to uphold and defend the Constitution.

Speaking of which, here’s a couple democrat members of Congress who took that oath, accusing Robinson of inciting violence. First up, dumbest white guy in Congress, Eric Swalwell:

Robinson made no call for violence and he certainly didn’t offer violence as an alternative to voting. He’s advocating for freedom and opposing socialism. Swalwell is so dumb he thinks protecting freedom is violence and that there’s voting in socialist societies.

Next is dumbest (any race) guy in Congress Ted Lieu outdoing his colleague:

Dear Ted Lieu, why do you think sending “Dear somebody” tweets is witty?

Seriously, this guy send like 10 tweets that start out “Dear so-and-so” every day because he thinks he’s being snarky.

Again, Robinson did not advocate violence. I’m guessing the double-headed dildos of Swalwell and Lieu didn’t even watch the video. They just read the words “body,” “choke,” and “blood” and assumed it was violence.

For the record, Jesus Christ, like any man born in Jerusalem 2021 years ago would have found the idea of women working to be appalling. Jesus wouldn’t have supported universal health care, paid leave, or any of the socialist big government crap the democrats are trying to push through.

I’m not sure what Lieu was going for with that Bible quote but, in his defense, is he is really f*cking stupid. Here however is a good one that applies to this conversation:

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetimeMathew 4:19

Jesus was about self-reliance, not government hand-outs that democrats are promising with their socialist spending package.

If Republicans of any race, including black, twisted the words of a black democrat to push their agenda, democrats would cry at the racist attack. Here’s Swalwell and Lieu doing just that and they get a free pass because since democrats invented racism (slavery, KKK, Jim Crow) they get to decide what’s racist and what’s not.