Anti-Semite Ilhan Omar Claims U.S. Running Concentration Camps At Border

Controversial freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar has joined with fellow crazy Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in promoting the idea that immigration detention facilities at that southern border are the equivalent of Nazi concentration camps.

Thanks to a now fully deranged Democrat House, there are no longer any limitations on irresponsible and audacious claims that prey on gullible low information types who are ignorant of history and prone to fits of hysteria over idiotic bullshit.

And what could be more nonsensical than the concentration camp hoax that the unhinged left and high-profile Democrats are now flogging?

The manifestly unfit, virulently anti-Semitic and morally bereft Omar is among those peddling this inflammatory hogwash.

Like much of what drives the pathetic remains of what was not that long ago a legitimate political party, the idea that those tasked with enforcing U.S. immigration law are akin to sadistic concentration camp goons erupted out of the mouth and social media feed of the thoroughly toxic former bartender Ocasio-Cortez.

In a bizarre live-streaming stream of consciousness rant, AOC invoked history’s greatest villains as a rhetorical device to promote her own warped ideology and her cultlike followers gobbled it up.

The taco bar revolutionary’s latest crazed remarks precipitated a major backlash from sane people including Jewish organizations who were aghast over AOC’s thinly-veiled Holocaust denial but as the prickly Twitter diva always does, she refused to apologize and doubled down.

Which she is always able to get away with thanks to the likes of Omar, a venomous snakepit of iniquity that is the House Of Representatives and an activist media that has no decency when it comes to their relentless obsession to take down President Trump and destroy the lives of the millions of law-abiding Americans who support him.

Via Fox News, “Ilhan Omar backs AOC on ‘concentration camps’ at the border comment”:

During a Thursday interview on Public Radio International, Omar echoed Ocasio-Cortez’s stance and defended the term and noted the separation of “death camps.”

“When you look at what is taking place, people are being put in camps. And when you think about the definition, if we separate it from death camps, I would say these are camps and people are being concentrated in them. And so that’s the general definition,” Omar said.

“I think a lot of people are conflating what a death camp looks like or a specific removal of people. These people are coming to the border. We are removing them from the border. We are placing them in camps. Some of them are being removed from communities and being put in what we’re calling detention centers — but are essentially camps.”

Earlier this month, Omar claimed that it was “un-American” for ICE to detain illegal immigrants and called for the agency to be defunded.

In normal times, such irresponsible comparisons would lead to a formal congressional rebuke including censure and exile to the fringes but with the cancerous radicalization of the Democratic party over a lost election and the that pesky Constitution term-limiting a black president, these are not normal times.

Her hometown newspaper recently called out the ethically challenged Omar in a blistering editorial after revelations that she lied on her income tax filings so perhaps voters in Omar’s Little Somalia Minneapolis district will rise up and pull the flush chain next November.

But until then, there is no limit to the amount of damage that can be done by her and her fellow freshmen who have run roughshod over poor old doddering Nancy Pelosi.