Booker Makes His Case For VP; ‘There Shouldn’t Be Two Men on a Presidential Ticket’

Hotheaded Democrat Cory Booker aka Spartacus continues to make a lot of noise for a guy who is polling in Amy Klobuchar territory and the cable media always has a spot for him to expound upon his idiocy.

The former mayor of the shithole of Newark, NJ has had one helluva week with his shameless performance before the shameful House reparations hearings followed by his diva act directed at poor old lunchbucket Joe who dared to offend the delicate sensitivities of the “WOKE” freaks by reminiscing about how he was good buddies with pro-segregation Dems back in the good old days.

But Booker wasn’t satisfied and during a chat with MSNBC’s psychopathic Lawrence O’Donnell, let it slip that he is angling for the vice presidential spot as an aside to his blasting of Biden.

According to Spartacus, “there shouldn’t be two men” on the ticket so pencil him in as the bottom man for Mayor Pete once Biden is run out of the race on a rail by the social justice fanatics.

Via The Washington Examiner:

During a Thursday night appearance on “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell,” Sen. Booker characterized the phone call as being about 15 or 20 minutes long, with neither man offering an explicit apology, though he declined to relate specific details of the phone call.

Booker said, “I don’t want to characterize a private conversation … I don’t feel like I want an apology to me, I think this is something he should speak to the public about.”

“At the end of the day it’s not about me and it’s not about him … I have respect for him, I have love for him, and gratitude to him.”

When O’Donnell pressed Booker for further details of his conversation with Biden, he said, “I had an opportunity to explain to him further how and why African Americans, men who have been called ‘boy’ before. Why racist senators like those would look at him and call him ‘son’ as seeing themselves in him. See in a black man and call them ‘boy’ because they don’t see themselves, but they see someone they are dehumanizing or degrading. And so having conversations like that is the dialogue that is a constructive thing. I appreciate that.”

O’Donnell then questioned whether Booker would be willing to share a presidential ticket with Joe Biden to which Booker responded that no Democratic ticket should have two men, as that would not reflect his values on diversity.

Some perspective from The American Thinker, “Cory Booker tips his hand: Only one male on Democrat presidential ticket'”:

Of course, sex, race, and sexual orientation have lots of significance in some democratic circles and for Cory Booker in particular. But would American people share his position on sex and racial quotas, which Booker so desperately wants to impose onto our government?

Rather than making them transparent, which is an indication of a true democratic society, Booker is pushing for a deep division among races, between sexes, and among ethnic groups. This utterly tribalistic, perversely chauvinistic approach visibly manifests to everyone which side stands against the unity of American people. That is a result of identity politics, so popular with the Left.

Booker has ZERO chance of emerging as the nominee so he has his sights on the veep spot.

As a vegan he likes his salad tossed and served up with extra dressing but will the eventual winner of a ticket to be creamed by President Trump be sufficiently impressed?