Scarecrow Pelosi Accuses Trump Of Frightening the Children

If you want to keep the crows out of your fields, hang up a Nancy Pelosi. You want to keep the kids out of the liquor cabinet? Paste a Pelosi face on it. Hell, we could stop unaccompanied minors from crossing illegally into this country by putting up Pelosi cardboard cutouts along the border. She just that frightening to look at and yet she has accused President Trump of scaring the children. I’d say she should look in the mirror first, but obviously she doesn’t want to turn herself into stone.

Last week President Trump announced there would ICE raids over the weekend to round up deport 2000 or so illegal aliens with final orders of removal. Naturally this set liberals off, because if there’s anything they hate more than America, it’s enforcing American laws. They cried that this normal enforcement procedure was cruel and targeted little children, which is about as true as anything else the left lies about.

In a weird turn of events House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called up President Trump and begged him to call the ICE raids off. He agree, giving democrats 2 weeks to come with some kind of an immigration reform plan that doesn’t suck. That is to say, in 2 weeks the raids will be back on and the liberals will going back to whining about the kids.

At an event over the weekend, Pelosi was asked what she said to Trump in the phone call that changed his mind. Man, I wish a recording of this call existed and was released to the public because it sounds hilarious.

“So when I spoke to the president, I said ‘Look, I’m a mom, I have five kids, seven uh nine grandchildren, and you, children are scared. You’re scaring the children of America. Not just those families, but their neighbors and their communities. You’re scaring the children,’” Pelosi claimed.

Really? The children of America were scared because some criminals were going to be rounded up and deported? I actually know several American children who I saw at various times over the past few days and none of them were the least bit concerned about this.

I know for a fact that Nancy Pelosi doesn’t hang out with illegal aliens or even poor legal immigrants, so how would she know that all American or even immigrant children were scared? Did her millionaire constituents tell her because they learned this from their domestic staff?

Maybe Pelosi is basing this claim on the look of fear on her 7 or 9 grandchildren’s faces. That’s not because the President was going to enforce an existing law, it’s how horrifying Grandma Pelosi looks. Imagine being an infant and seeing Pelosi’s Botox-devastated frightmask coming in for a kiss. You’d crap your Pampers for sure.

Pelosi also called Trump’s efforts to enforce our immigration laws, “so appalling it’s outside the circle of human behavior.”

Then she dropped this nugget of wisdom that I’m hoping the DNC adopts as their slogan for 2020:

“In terms of interior enforcement, what is the point?” Pelosi asked.

Actually she asked, “what is the per per, what is the point?” but you get the idea. She seems to feel like US immigration is a game of hide and go seek. Once an illegal gets past the border, they are safe from any and all prosecution according to Pelosi.

It should be noted that actual American citizens are not above the law like Pelosi claims illegals are, but it’s not shocking that democrats like her put these scumbags above their own people.

Meanwhile, I predict the Nancy Pelosi mask will be a hot item this Halloween. That is if it isn’t too terrifying for children and pulled from the shelves.