Breakfast For The Brain Weekend Edition

Enjoy your weekend Deplorables!

America’s Monopoly Crisis Hits the Military

Via The American Conservative

Wall Street’s short-term incentives have decimated our defense industrial base and undermined our national security.

But it’s not just the dual-use commercial manufacturing base that is collapsing. Our policy empowering Wall Street and offshoring has also damaged the more specialized defense base, which directly produces weaponry and equipment for the military.

How pervasive is the loss of such capacity? In September 2018, the Department of Defense released findings of its analysis into its supply chain. The results highlighted how fragile our ability to supply our own military has become.

The report listed dozens of militarily significant items and inputs with only one or two domestic producers, or even none at all. Many production facilities are owned by companies that are financially vulnerable and at high risk of being shut down. Some of the risk comes from limited production capability. Mortar tubes, for example, are made on just one production line, and some Marine aircraft parts are made by just one company—one which recently filed for bankruptcy.

At risk is everything from chaff to flares to high voltage cable, fittings for ships, valves, key inputs for satellites and missiles, and even material for tents. As Americans no longer work in key industrial fields, the engineering and production skills evaporate as the legacy workforce retires.

Even more unsettling is the reliance on foreign, and often adversarial, manufacturing and supplies. The report found that “China is the single or sole supplier for a number of specialty chemicals used in munitions and missiles…. A sudden and catastrophic loss of supply would disrupt DoD missile, satellite, space launch, and other defense manufacturing programs. In many cases, there are no substitutes readily available.” Other examples of foreign reliance included circuit boards, night vision systems, batteries, and space sensors.

The story here is similar. When Wall Street targeted the commercial industrial base in the 1990s, the same financial trends shifted the defense industry. Well before any of the more recent conflicts, financial pressure led to a change in focus for many in the defense industry—from technological engineering to balance sheet engineering. The result is that some of the biggest names in the industry have never created any defense product. Instead of innovating new technology to support our national security, they innovate new ways of creating monopolies to take advantage of it.

Read the entire article HERE.

The First Democratic Debate

By Ben Garrison

My impression of the first Democratic debate last night? They reminded me of the ‘non player characters’ (NPCs), something that was made into a meme last year—and instantly hated by the left.

With a few variations, they all pretty much took the same stands on the issues. They all want socialism—free stuff. They want free Medicare and a variety of other free things. They want open borders, ‘common sense’ gun control, climate change—all things that tie into socialism. Corey Booker wanted gun licenses. If that happens, look for government to make it impossible to obtain one.

I yelled at him, “The 2nd Amendment is our license!”

They expressed outrage that children on our southern border are being mistreated. In most of the photos and videos I’ve seen, the invaders are mostly young men. No matter, it gave them all a chance to virtue signal and express their love of children.

They don’t like unborn American children, though. They want them murdered. A woman’s ‘choice’ always trumps everything, although they prefer to call it a ‘woman’s health issue’ rather than abortion. Millions of babies need to be slaughtered, but millions of foreign babies need to be welcomed. The taxpayers will pay for it all.

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Some things really bugged me. The politicians who crave hispanic votes spoke Spanish at length. SPEAK ENGLISH! This is America and the one thing that brings us together is English! Another thing that bothered me was the incessant use of the two words, “Our democracy!” We are a REPUBLIC, not a democracy. Marx said democracy was the road to socialism because people will always vote for free stuff. Warren shrilly stated, “We are a democracy!” Then she mentioned the Constitution. The word ‘democracy’ is not in that document, Pocahontas.

Warren was given the most time and that means she’s favored by the Deep State Swamp. She did not do well. She came across as an angry school teacher, which is what she wanted to be early in life—and what she should have been before she decided to culturally appropriate Native American culture to gain advantage.

Tulsi Gabbard stuck me as the most original and authentic. At least she’s anti-war, but she also wants the usual free stuff AND she wanted to reinstate the horrible Obama Iran Deal. Just because she served in the military does not mean she should be President.

No one on stage can beat Trump at this point.

The Crazies Are Running The Democrat Insane Asylum

By Ben Garrison

“An Amazing Display of Hate”

The Democrat’s second debate was pretty much the same as the first except they virulently ramped up their attacks on President Trump. Bernie Sanders said Trump was a ‘racist,’ without any proof. Kamala Harris went on a virtue-signaling rampage about how Democrats need to protect children of illegal immigrants from Trump, who wants them all in cages. Or so she claimed. The well-aged Biden had a bumbling and weak performance. Creepy Joe got ‘owned’ by Harris. He should have walked over and sniffed her hair—that would put her in her place.

They all support free health care, which Bernie called ‘a human right.’ Everyone coming here illegally will also get to enjoy that right. This naturally means much higher taxes. They also pushed their climate change claptrap, which naturally means even more taxes. Free college, which…well, you get the picture. As the debate clanged on, I began to think they were all nuts. They belonged not on a stage, but in a loony bin.

They all love big government and the power it provides them. They want people to be dependent on that government. They want god-like control over more lives. The Democrats are addicted to power and bigger government at every turn. They want to be worshipped. After all, they are ’saving the planet.’

They want to see us stripped of our liberties. Eric Swalwell, the militantly ignorant young punk from California, wants government to buy back all weapons, excluding shotguns and handguns. If he succeeds, you can bet the government will then go after the rest of the guns. Swalwell, a budding young tyrant, actually loves guns—he simply wants his government to have them all. That way he can use that government to force citizens into do his bidding. Ultimately, government is violent force. Fear of government keeps people paying taxes. Under Democrat rule citizens will be forced to slave away even more to pay for ‘climate change’ and all the free stuff. The Democrats never say ‘Our Republic.’ Instead they constantly and unctuously say ‘Our Democracy.’ What they mean is ‘Our Socialism.’ That’s what they really want.

Swalwell stupidly uttered the stupidest line of the night. “We will be the generation to end climate chaos.” Yes, those pesky four seasons must be brought under government control! There must be order! The Democrats have delusions of godhood. They’re crazy. What’s next, slowing the Earth’s rotation?

Buttigieg said Republicans no longer have the right to use religious talk because he said they favor caging the children of the invaders, er, immigrants. Yet all of them favor taxpayer-funded abortions. Apparently they think it’s noble to murder unborn children.

Welcome to the insane hateful world of socialism.

Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.


Voters Are Fed Up With Big Tech Monopolies Trying To Run Their Lives

Via The Federalist

Ever since the financial crisis, populist leftists, conservatives, and libertarians alike have been far more skeptical of big business, big banks, and other big corporations. Their power to warp the market and taxpayer dollars in a way that eliminates competition and spreads costs to voters became well apparent, and the bailout culture begun by George W. Bush and continued to this day became an item of severe frustration among multiple factions.

But the anti-competitive dangers of the Bigs didn’t stop with bailouts. Corporations found it in their interest for myriad reasons to become more “ethically sourced”, more “responsibly crafted”, more “socially conscious”. For most of them, this was little more than posturing for the sake of an easy public relations hit.

But not for all.

Some big corporations, particularly those in Silicon Valley, became increasingly anti-competitive not just in the realm of business, but in the marketplace of ideas. Staffed from top to bottom with individuals ideologically sympathetic to the woke agenda and empowered with tools that can silence anyone with the push of a button or bar them from a marketplace regardless of their products’ quality, Big Tech exploited these realities to tighten their grip on discourse.

Sometimes, like Google, they did it at the behest of political regimes. Sometimes, like Facebook and Twitter, they did it at the behest of political and media organizations. Sometimes, like Reddit, they did it just because someone in the chain wanted it. They just quarantined r/The_Donald, the Trump fan portion of Reddit, for purported violent threats against cops. Within their ecosystems, these entities increasingly silenced ideas and beliefs in competition with their elitist globalist vision of the future.

This is all legal in America, or mostly legal at worst. But whether something is legal or not doesn’t connote cultural sustainability or mitigate the potential harm to our political discourse.

Read the entire article HERE.

Kamala Harris’ Jussie and Illegal Wiretapping Scandals Are Not Going Away

Via Big League Politics

As Kamala Harris emerges as a Democrat presidential contender as Joe Biden spirals downward with scandal, Harris’ own scandals are coming under scrutiny.

The California senator and former prosecutor might have trouble rallying the black vote considering her work putting people in prison.

As the Democrat primary becomes more vicious, Harris will definitely have to answer for her own controversies.

Jussie Smollett Hoax

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Kamala Harris was photographed demonstrating with Jussie Smollett and Jussie’s sister two weeks before Smollett staged his hate hoax, in which he falsely accused Trump supporters of trying to lynch him.

Harris was having difficulty getting support for her anti-lynching bill with Cory Booker, which died in Congress before Smollett’s hoax but passed the Senate in February shortly after Smollett staged his hoax. Independent journalist Marie Hembree brought this stunning fact to Big League Politics’ attention. A special prosecutor is now tasked with getting to the bottom of the Smollett hoax.

Here is Kamala Harris with Smollett, as preserved by Alamy Stock Photo Archives and presented here in the interest of journalistic discovery…

Read the entire article HERE.

Psychologists Can’t Figure Out Why Hardly Anyone Wants To Date A Trans Person

Via The Federalist

A study recently found that most people are not interested in dating transgender people. But why would this be a problem?

A recent Journal of Social and Personal Relationships study found that nearly 90 percent of survey respondents are not interested in dating transgender people. In a Psychology Today article on the study, coauthor Karen Blair implies these findings demonstrate significant discrimination—or at least an unwillingness to be inclusive—in dating.

However, instead of pointing out the obvious truth that biological cues are foundational for sexual and romantic attraction, the author goes to great lengths to convey sympathy for the exclusion of transgenders in the dating field as if it’s merely a social justice issue. This is yet another avenue progressives are using to encourage others to deny biological reality and normalize abnormal behaviors.

Read the entire article HERE.

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