California is well known as the land of Fruits and Nuts – but not the edible kind. However The whole state isn’t that way. But to be around normal people, you have to get out and away from the cities and go out into rural areas. The small town of Needles, California is one such place.
The residents of Needles California which is very close to the Nevada state line, do not approve of the illegal alien sanctuary policies of California’s large cities. They also don’t care for the gun grabbers crowd that now wants everyone who buys ammo in California to have to go thru a background check each and every time they do.
Well the town fathers of Needles, (population 4800) want their town to be a different kind of Sanctuary town. They want to be a 2nd Amendment sanctuary both for their own citizens and for concealed carry holders from other states. (Like the one 20 miles from them.) It would be a boon to the tiny struggling town where every tourist dollar that can come into the town is important.
Last week the city council passed resolutions declaring Needles to be a safe place for concealed carry holders from other states to visit them, without being subjected to California’s draconian gun laws, but the rub is, they need state permission from the nuts and fruits in Sacramento in order to do what they want in their town. But, given that the mentally ill are now running the asylum which is the state of California; they’re not likely to get it.
This effort by Needles is part of a nationwide reaction in the more conservative areas to push back against the gun-grabbing restrictive laws being passed by the liberal fanatics in the large crime ridden democratic party run cities.
It’s frustrating to small towns like Needles to see those same big cities, shielding
illegal aliens while ignoring the 2nd Amendments rights of it’s own legal citizens.