RNC Announces Plans to Launch Committee Dedicated to Election Integrity

The Republican National Committee announced a plan on Wednesday to start a committee dedicated to ensuring election integrity, as reported on Fox News. 

What choice do they have? The RNC must do something, right? The horse has already gotten out of the barn, so now they pull a couple dozen ranchers together to discuss how to prevent this from happening again. They over-think this problem to death and eventually come up with a real fine plan. Seems the problem should be solved, right? Except they’ll have to deal with the expense of acquiring another horse. Dang, if only they’d ‘ve thought of all this before they lost the horse.

I’ve read Before It’s News articles about this stolen election being part of a huge plan to entrap the corrupt Democrat party operatives. But I’m having trouble understanding this rationale. Seems to me old Ben Franklin had a better handle on difficult situations. He wisely deduced, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Damn shame the RNC didn’t properly consider the horse and the barn as long ago as 2016.

By saying, ‘the horse and the barn,’ I metaphorically mean mandatory voter ID and in-person voting laws with very minimal exception. COVID-19 be damned.

The new committee will work alongside state governments to push for election reforms including a voter ID requirement and having poll watchers count every vote.

The committee reflects “a renewed focus on continuing this important work and fighting Democrats’ unprecedented attempts to change election laws,” the RNC told Fox News.

“Election integrity is one of the most critical issues we face as a party and as a country,” Ronna McDaniel, chairwoman of the RNC, said in a statement.

“What we saw this past election — states undoing important safeguards, bypassing the proper legislative processes, and changing election laws in the eleventh hour — was deeply troubling and brought chaos and uncertainty to our sacred democratic processes.”

The RNC appointed Florida Sen. Joe Gruters as chairman of the committee, Florida Politics reported.

“We want to make sure every legal vote counts and make it as easy as possible to vote and as hard as possible to cheat. Here in Florida, with Gov. [Ron] DeSantis’ leadership, we showed the country and the world that elections can be fair, free, transparent,” Gruters said.

Additional information reported:

The committee will have twelve men and twelve women representing the RNC from 21 states and Washington, D.C.

The RNC spent $30 million on election integrity during the 2020 election season in battleground states.

Three battleground states — Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania — are pushing to restrict mail-in voting in future elections.

What say you Def-Con News readers? Yes, something must be done. The Republicans now control both state legislative chambers in 32 states–control of more state legislatures than at any point in U.S. history. If ever there was a time to git ‘er done this is it. But what about the other 18 states? And will anything of significance be accomplished nation-wide by the RNC when the Democrats currently control both Houses of Congress and appear to have control of the White House?