Joe Biden Finally Admits ‘I Have No Sense’

Joe Biden is completely nuts and he’s more than earned the nickname “Crazy Joe” but he’s always lived under the delusion that he’s sane. In a balls-out interview with CNN, the former VP finally admitted that he has absolutely no sense of reality. Biden’s people had been running a smart campaign by stopping him from speaking in public, but they definitely screwed the pooch by letting him talk unfiltered with Chris Cuomo.

Biden was asked if he rewatched the democratic debate in which he performed poorly and instead of answering the question, he started on this bizarre Dr. Seuss rant:

“My measure is how people react outside. Getting on a train. Getting on a plane. Walking through an airport. Walking in a parade. Just going to a grocery store,” said Biden.

So presumably he does not like green eggs and ham. He does not like them in a house. He does not like them with a mouse.

Then Biden landed this nonsequitur:

“I got no sense. Really, no sense,” said Biden.

And with that, he stopped talking. There was nothing else he planned to add to that. The purpose of what he wanted to say was that he has no sense. I couldn’t agree more and I think it may be the first time he’s ever made a truthful sentence. He really doesn’t have any sense.

And to prove that he has no sense, he started listing the things that he has beaten up:

“I took on same-sex marriage. I took on a whole range of issues. I took on arms control. I took on dealing with the Russia, with the arms control agreement. I took on Putin in terms of Iraq, er in terms of what was going on in Ukraine,” said Biden.

He did none of the stuff. The Supreme Court ruled on same-sex marriage with no help from Biden, he did not negotiate an arms treaty with “the Russia,” and Putin took a piece of the Ukraine with no pushback from Obama or Biden. Plus, Biden never took on Putin over anything especially in terms of Iraq.

Biden continued to publicly display his lack of sense when Cuomo asked Biden if anything about Trump worries him as an opponent in the 2020 presidential election.

“Sure it worries me in the sense that I’m looking forward to it,” replied Biden.

Clearly he has no sense of what the word “worry” means either.

From there, Biden essentially said that if Trump stood behind him at a debate like he did with Hillary in 2016, that he’d kick his ass.

“You walk behind me in a debate? Come here, man,” Biden said motioning with his hands.

This was Joe Biden telling Donald Trump to “come at me, bro.”

“The idea that I’d be intimidated by Donald Trump? He’s the bully that I knew my whole life. He’s the bully that I’ve always stood up to. He’s the bully that used to make fun when I was a kid and the stutter and I smacked him in the mouth,” said Biden.

After saying the he’s going to smack Trump in the mouth, Biden then transitioned seamlessly in to saying, “The American people want a president who has some dignity.”

Is there anything more dignified than threatening to pimp slap the President of the United States?

“What bother me abroad is, look,” said Biden.

Sorry, I can’t give that last one any context that will make it seem any less crazy.

The Biden campaign strategy to keep him away from the public and saying insane things was working just fine. I have no idea why they’ve shifted to a Biden telling the truth strategy. For most people telling truth works, but Biden’s a total kook, so his truths are saying things like “I’ve got no sense.”

I’m sure most people appreciate the honesty, but that doesn’t mean anyone wants to vote for a self-admitted lunatic. This is on par with him admitting that he masturbates to German scat porn. I’m sure he does, but it’s not necessarily one of those things he should be telling people about.