‘President’ Elizabeth Warren Would Abolish Electoral College With Power She Wouldn’t Have

Elizabeth Warren claims to have a plan for everything, but all of them have serious problems with financing and authority. Her latest harebrained scheme is for her to be elected president (somehow) and then immediately abolish the Electoral College. The fact that the President of the United States cannot amend the Constitution is one of those little details she’ll iron out later. If she can find $10 trillion in mystery funding for her socialism, how hard could it be to give the president the power to alter the Constitution?

Here’s yet another example of how unserious Elizabeth Warren is as a candidate and person:

In the clip someone asks Warren her thoughts on the Electoral College.

“I want to get rid of it,” replied Warren.

The easiest way for her to get rid of something, like Indian heritage, is to take a DNA test, but she has another idea.

“So here’s my goal: my goal is to get elected and then to be the last American president elected by the Electoral College,” she continued.

Cool plan, but how is she going to get elected president? With false promises, unrealistic plans, and lies? She should work on step 1 before jumping to step 2 and definitely step 1000:

“I want the second term to be that I got elected by direct vote. I’m ready. Popular vote,,” said Warren.

Look at that, she’s already banking on 8 years in the White House. She’s going to be crushed on election day 2020 and that’s if she even gets the democratic party nomination, which doesn’t seem likely.

“I do think this is how a democracy should work,” she said.

I’ve got great news for Lizzy, our country is not a direct democracy, which may explain why it doesn’t work like one.

“Call me old fashioned, but I think the person who gets the most votes should win,” Warren finished.

Okay. Liz, you are old fashioned.

In reality however, a popular vote for President of the United States is not old fashioned, because we’ve never done it like that. Our Founding Fathers put the Electoral College in place to keep the country from descending into chaos and that’s the way we’ve always elected our leader. Warren is suggesting that back in the good old days we went with a popular vote and that’s simply not true.

The biggest issue here however is that Warren thinks she’s going to cakewalk into the White House and wave her magic tomahawk to make the Electoral College disappear. That’s not how it works. The EC system is part of the Constitution and presidents cannot stealth-edit it away. To amend the Constitution, two-thirds of Congress must approve and the three-fourths of the states must ratify it.

Ironically, as a U.S. Senator, Elizabeth Warren does have the power to amend the Constitution. What’s she’s really saying is that she has no intention of doing her current job, but if elected president, she’d like to abuse the power of the office.

What she’s also saying is that she plans to become president and then immediately get rid of the “unfair and corrupt” system that elected her. Guess what? If a democrat were to win the Electoral College but lose the popular vote, they would defend the EC and call the popular vote a threat to our democracy.