Nancy Pelosi Hammers AOC For Tweeting Her Grievances

Is Nancy Pelosi gonna have to choke a bitch? Apparently so. The House Speaker let her caucus members have it, and in particular Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, for tweeting out their complaints and attacking other democrats in public. I can only assume that AOC will say that Pelosi is scared of a strong woman and accuse her of being part of the patriarchy, since that’s how she deals with all other legitimate criticism.

AOC has ben getting under Pelosi’s skin for a while and recently the speaker dismissed her and other freshman Reps like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib as being inconsequential. AOC and her gang of nitwits hit back which prompted this meeting as reported by The Hill:

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Democratic leaders on Wednesday scolded Democrats for publicly taking shots at each other and pleaded for unity as they head into key debates in the coming weeks.

“You got a complaint? You come and talk to me about it. But do not tweet about our members and expect us to think that that is just ok,” Pelosi said in a closed-door meeting.

That’s obviously a shot at AOC, Omar, and Tlaib because those three are constantly on Twitter bitching about something.

“I’m here to help the children when it’s easy and when it’s hard. Some of you are here to make a beautiful pâté but we’re making sausage most of the time. Without that unity, we are playing completely into the hands of the other people,” said Pelosi.

I’m not sure I get the food analogy, but it does seem like she is referring to her fellow democrats as children. I can’t say I disagree with that, but Pelosi belongs in that group as well.

Pelosi must have been hungry because she kept the food analogies going as she slammed the radical left-wing of the party for attacks on centrist democrats:

“I hope there will be some level of respect and sensitivity for our – each individual experience that we bring to this Caucus. You make me the target, but don’t make our Blue Dogs and our New Dems the target in all of this because we have important fish to fry,” Pelosi said.

Are there any centrist democrats left? I thought they were all balls-out socialists at this point.

Pelosi also told the assembled Democrats that if they, or a member of their staff, had thoughts to attack another lawmaker on social media they should “think twice,” according to the senior aide.

“Actually, don’t think twice; think once,” Pelosi said.

Thinking once would be a huge step forward for democrats who believe men wearing dresses are women, that global warming makes it cold, and that killing babies saves lives. Even half a thought would be a major advancement for this bunch.

A senior democratic aid said, “It was a very stern and forceful speech.”

In other words, Pelosi was pissed at AOC, Omar, and Tlaib and let ‘em have it.

In reality, this was Pelosi trying to hang on to her position as the leader of the party. At this point she’s House Speaker in name only as the radical faction of the party is pretty much calling the shots and setting the agenda.

This is only going to get better because if one thing is for certain, AOC will not shut up. She will lash out at Pelosi in a very public way and this democratic party infighting that has already been very entertaining will turn into a full-blown spectacle. I’m going to follow AOC on Twitter so I get a front row seat.