WTF? Pete Buttigieg Is Going To Stop Racism By Eliminating The Electoral College

Word salads aren’t just for democratic candidates’ campaigns speeches, they are now part of their official platforms as well. 2020 hopeful Pete Buttigieg says he will end racism by…eliminating the Electoral College? I though Beto O’Rourke had a patent on the stream of consciousness stringing together of random thoughts but here is Mayor Pete stealing his thunder. It’s like he had a hat with ideas in it, picked these two things, and went “F*ck yeah, this will work!”

To be clear, institutional racism is a thing of the past in America ever since Republicans stopped democrats from segregating and oppressing black people. Anyone who says they have a plan to end racism in this country has a plan to waste money fixing a non-existent problem.

Speaking of which, here’s Pete Buttigieg as reported by The Huffington Post:

Mayor Pete Buttigieg, whose campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination has struggled to find traction among black voters, unveiled a plan Thursday to tackle systemic racism nationwide.

Dubbed “The Douglass Plan,” after African American writer and abolitionist Frederick Douglass, it is comprised of a series of broad goals — spanning health care, education, criminal justice, entrepreneurship, voting rights and political representation — broken down into specific policy items.

“We are not an equal society,” said Buttigieg. “We see this across every facet of American life. These inequalities were created intentionally by racist policies. Reversing them will also require us to act with intention.”

Don’t worry, Pete, Republicans already took care of this by winning the Civil War, abolishing slavery, and passing the Civil Rights Act.

Now get ready for some hilarious policy specifics on the pander-plan:

His plan includes a significant increase in funding for public education; eliminating racial biases in the health care industry; strengthening infrastructure for black business owners and entrepreneurs; ending voter suppression; even providing D.C. with statehood and doing away with the electoral college.

So he’s going to end racism, that has already ended, by getting rid of the way we elect presidents in this country? How exactly does that work? I wish the liberal media applied even the slightest level of scrutiny on the crazy things democrats say because I feel like the explanation for this would be even more insane.

Let me lay down how truly bonkers this is: Democrats are butthurt that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote but lost the presidency in 2016 to Donald Trump. As such, they have called for the elimination of the Electoral College because that’s how knee-jerking works. Democrats want to rig the system so they always win. What Pete Buttigieg is saying by claiming he can end racism by getting rid of the Electoral College is that there is inherent racism in democrats losing elections. Put another way, he’s claiming that the will of the American people as well as free and fair elections are racist.

Buttigieg’s plan is even less sane because of what it would actually take to eliminate the Electoral College. He would need a Constitutional Amendment, which would require two-thirds of the Congress to pass and two-thirds of the states to ratify. There’s a pretty good reason why Constitutional Amendments don’t get passed all the time, because it’s a nearly impossible thing to achieve. Getting one that would give all political power to liberal states like California and permanently rig elections in favor of democrats would have no chance at any stage of the process.

This is all a really long way of saying that democrats are not serious people with good ideas or even a basic understand of how things work. But hey, people who vote for democrats are just as dense, so here’s a few other word salad ideas the 2020 dems can use on the campaign trail:

Destroy capitalism with a skee ball tournament.

Ban “assault rifles” by removing all unicorn tramp-stamp tattoos.

Pay for “free” health care through the power of dance.

Eliminate our borders by cancelling Tim Allen’s show The Last Man Standing.

Keep abortions unregulated with macaroni art.

Obliterate the patriarchy by deleting everyone’s DVRs.

Neutralize white privilege at Macy’s annual white sale.

Abolish ICE by with global warming.

The democrats running for the party’s nomination are free to use any of my rock-solid ideas, but they must give me credit. More than anything I want one of these kooks to introduce the “Brian Anderson Act” to help cement my place in history.