Former ICE Boss Pulls Off Amazing Feat; Leaves AOC Speechless

An already terrible week took a turn for the worst when the unthinkable occurred and socialist demagogue Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was left at a loss for words.

The mouth that never shuts was stymied as never before during Friday’s heated House Oversight and Reform Committee into child separation that was just another disgusting charade orchestrated by Trump hating racist Elijah Cummings who is the committee chairman.

The purpose of the hearings was clearly to further smear and impugn the integrity of the dedicated professionals of U.S. Immigration And Customs Enforcement (ICE) who have have been compared to Nazis by Democrats like Ocasio-Cortez.

But former ICE boss Thomas Homan wasn’t playing games and in an EPIC exchange with the taco bar revolutionary turned congresswoman, made it clear that AOC is out of her element whenever she puts down her iPhone and leaves the Twitter world.

Homan tore her to shreds in an exchange that left the turned a clearly rattled Ocasio-Cortez into a stammering mess and made history as the man who FINALLY made her shut her piehole.

According to the Washington Examiner:

“The recommendation, of the many you recommended, you recommended family separation,” the New York Democrat said to Homan.

“I recommended zero-tolerance,” he responded, referring to the Trump administration’s hard-line immigration policy that resulted in migrant family separations. “The same it is with every U.S. citizen parent gets arrested with their child.”

He added, “If I get arrested for a DUI and I have a young child in the car, I’m going to be separated.”

The freshman congresswoman said asylum seekers should not be arrested because the act of seeking asylum is not a crime. Homan snapped back, noting that some asylum seekers cross the border illegally instead of presenting themselves at ports of entry. “If you want to seek asylum, then go to a port of entry. Do it the legal way. The attorney general of the United States has made that clear,” he told Ocasio-Cortez.

Ocasio-Cortez said “OK” and moved on.

The combative Honan also made mincemeat out of Rep. Jesús G. “Chuy” García, another one of the crooked Chicago machine politicians as well as a member of the vaunted freshman class who doesn’t get the attention that “the squad” does.

Honan took a victory lap on Fox News following the hearings- mocking one Democrat for running out of the room “like a little girl”

It was a tour de force for Homan and a major setback for Ocasio-Cortez who is already taking heavy flak from her own party after she went to the Washington Post and accused Speaker Nancy Pelosi of being a racist.

Such pushback is unprecedented as AOC has been protected by the media, is a regular guest on hate late night shows with vulgarians like Stephen Colbert and until this week, has had fed-up Democrats terrified of speaking ill of her out of fear of her Twitter mob.

Now that Pelosi has lost her patience with Ocasio-Cortez and fellow whiny brats including Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley they had better start adapting to a very new and very different reality.

Tom Homan deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his smackdown of AOC, he is truly an American hero.