Breakfast For The Brain Weekend Edition

Enjoy the weekend Deplorables!

Pop Gun 2: ‘Resistance’ Hollywood Kowtows to China

Via American Greatness

Hollywood, the cultural epicenter of the “resistance” to the faux totalitarianism attributed to President Trump, has a vastly different approach to the real totalitarianism of Communist China: capitulation and self-censorship.

As noted by Mark MacKinnon, the senior international correspondent for The Globe and Mail, the sequel to 1986’s “Top Gun”—which, after 33 years of intermittent thought, the creative geniuses behind the project have christened with the inspired title “Top Gun: Maverick”—has the rare quality of being a nostalgia trip that performs the deft, duplicitous trick of including a bitter dose of revisionist history.

“There’s a new Top Gun movie coming out. And Maverick is wearing the same leather jacket—only this time it’s Communist Party of China-approved, so the Japanese and Taiwanese flag patches are gone . . . ”

Why did Hollywood change the patch and stuff the Japanese and Taiwanese flags down the memory hole?

“‘Mystery’ solved,” MacKinnon reports. “China’s Tencent Pictures is one of the main producers of Top Gun: Maverick.”

In agreement is Alan Tonelson, the founder of RealityChek, which is “a blog covering economics, national security, tech, and their intersections”: “i.e., Hollywood Values . . . the filmmakers clearly bowed to the censorship demands of a major China investor.”

Spoiler alert: for a dumpster full of money and access to the censored Chinese marketplace, Hollywood is more than happy to self-censor and pretend (like the Beijing regime does in its heartless soul) Taiwan and Japan have gone into the ashcan of history.

This is “Resistance” Hollywood, which falsely accuses the United States of operating “concentration camps” on its southern borders, while simultaneously kowtowing to a barbarous Beijing regime that is running actual concentration camps for Uyghurs in Xinjiang province.

Read the entire article HERE.

Woke Media Make Moon Landing About Sexism

Via Breitbart

The New York Times and Washington Post used the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 space flight and moon landing to push a “political knife fight,” said Robert Charles, spokesperson for the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC), in a Wednesday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.
On Wednesday, the New York Times framed the Apollo program as a “failure” in terms of female astronautical participation.

In an article titled, “To Make It to the Moon, Women Have to Escape Earth’s Gender Bias,” the New York Times claimed, “The Apollo program was designed by men, for men. But NASA can learn from its failures as it aims to send women to the moon and beyond.”

The Washington Post similarly highlighted the demographic composition of the 1960s-era space program as largely white and male, stating it was difficult to spot a “person of color” in photos of the program’s teams.

Read the entire article HERE.

“American Race Hustle” Is A Sure-Loser For Dems

Via Zero Hedge

And so the four horsepeople-of-color arise, at once the glorious avatars of Wokesterdom in all their incendiary wrath, and the butt of ridicule among a pretty big chunk of everybody else in this land. I speak of congresswomen Omar, Tlaib, Pressley, and AOC, a.k.a. “the Squad,” riding a reconn mission to the precipice of that great cliff of electoral catastrophe — in advance of the political party that is apt to follow them over the edge in 2020, like so many suicidal lemmings.

Charges of “racism” have been twanging around the Federal District all week as if a throng of medieval re-enactors had taken over the place and were putting on a colorful pageant about ergot poisoning, with the townspeople afflicted by creeping incubi, crawling succubi, winged demons, murderous furies, and other agents of Satan. I have often noted that our president is the genuine article of a supernatural figure himself, being both a Golden Golem of Greatness and a Twitter troll of the highest degree. Last week, the four Squad gals pointed their fingers and ululated at him — “racist! racist! —expecting perhaps that a bolt from on-high might strike him dead, but it only prompted him to more keyboard villainy, challenging them to fly back to whatever infernal hellhole they came out of. For three of them it was the good ol’ USA, parts of which are, let’s face it, rather hellhole-ish these days.

The American race hustle is getting kind of old and it’s a sure loser for the Democratic Party.

Read the entire article HERE.

Liberals Cheer As Antifa Violence Escalates

By Andy Ngo

In the early hours on Saturday, police in Tacoma, Wash., rushed to the local Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility. An armed man was firebombing the building and nearby vehicles. Police killed him in a shootout after he attempted to set off a large propane tank connected to the facility. Antifa social media accounts subsequently identified their fallen “comrade” as Willem Van Spronsen.

The underreported incident marks a new chapter in the return of armed left-wing terrorism to the United States. It also triggered a flash of memory in my mind: I had crossed paths with Van Spronsen in December, when a group of rifle-carrying antifa militiamen tried to prevent me from filming their protest outside Seattle City Hall.

Little did I know then that I would soon have a more immediate encounter with antifa violence. Two weeks ago, I was left hospitalized with a brain hemorrhage after a mob of mask-clad rioters beat and robbed me while I was covering a demonstration in downtown Portland, Ore. The attack, claimed by Rose City Antifa, was caught on videos that went viral online.

Read the entire article HERE.

Miss Michigan Winner Stripped Of Title Over Offensive Posts

Via The Hill

Miss Michigan 2019 winner Kathy Zhu was stripped of her title on Thursday for “offensive, insensitive and inappropriate” social media posts, she said Thursday.

Zhu, 20, tweeted Thursday what appeared to be a screenshot of an email she received from Miss World America officials, who told her she was dismissed from being a pageant participant.

“Miss World America’s State/National/Chief Director accused me of being racist, Islamaphobic, and insensitive,” Zhu tweeted. “They stripped me of my Miss Michigan title due to my refusal to try on a hijab in 2018, my tweet about black on black gun violence, and ‘insensitive’ statistical tweets.”

Zhu is a political commentator known as @PoliticalKathy on Twitter and Facebook and an open supporter of President Trump. In 2018, she approached a Muslim Student Association booth and declined to wear a hijab, later tweeting that “there is a ‘try a hijab on’ booth at my college campus.

“So you’re telling me that it’s now just a fashion accessory and not a religious thing?” she tweeted, according to the Detroit Free Press. “Or are you just trying to get women used to being oppressed under Islam?”

In a second incident, the Free Press reports, Zhu replied to a Twitter user in a comment saying: “Did you know the majority of black deaths are caused by other blacks? Fix problems within your own community before blaming others.”

Both tweets have since been deleted.

Read the entire article HERE.

Democrats, Transsexuals, and Women’s Sports

Via The American Thinker

Trans athletes have won competitions this year in most sports and at all levels. In May, CeCe Telfer became the first publicly-known trans athlete to be an NCAA track and field champion.

The Equality Act would invite even greater trans (and fake trans) participation and permit easier dominance over females by removing any barriers to competition, likely including testosterone limits or hormone therapy.

Ironically, the left desperately wants to curtail the dominance of males in society, but this act could soon return the biological male to supremacy in all sports. For women, after 50 years of work and struggle, it’s back under the thumb of the male psyche, dysphoric though it may be.

They have only themselves to blame. Women have always been loyal and enthusiastic allies — or at the least silent dissenters — of the LGBTQ agenda. That includes the Equality Act. They frequently boast they are on the right side of history.

In fact they’re on the left, where things are never what they seem and consequences are lied about, ignored, or completely unknown.

Read the entire article HERE.

Drag Queen Reads ‘What Color Is Your Underwear?’ to Young Children

Via Breitbart

A “Drag Queen Story Hour” event at a Dallas, Texas, library last Saturday featured two drag queens, one of whom read the story What Color Is Your Underwear? to small children.
More than 50 parents brought their children to the story hour held at the Grauwyler Park Branch Library and hosted by drag queens “Cassie Nova” (aka James Gary Love) and “Jenna Skyy” (aka Joel S. Hoselton).

“My little cousin dressed me,” Cassie, with pink and orange hair, told the children, reported Dallas Voice. “So, I’m wearing A LOT!”

Cassie reportedly also read My Cat Jack to the children, encouraging them to yawn, stretch, and scratch like cats.

A video of the event can be viewed at the website of pro-family organization Mass Resistance, which protested the story hour.

According to the news report, Jo Guidice, Dallas library system director “said her office received more than 700 calls, 250 emails and an uncounted number of complaints on social media” about the event.

Guidice said, however, that parents who disapproved of the event could take their children to any of 17 other reading programs within the library system occurring at the same time.

According to Mass Resistance, library staff set up an activity table with drag queen coloring pages so the children could color in the “queens.”

Read the entire article HERE.

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