Ilhan Omar Says Americans Should Be Afraid Of White Men Because They Kill Everyone

Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar hates America and Jews so it’s not a shock that she also hates white people. It’s also not surprising that the liberal media isn’t running headlines saying that the Minnesota Rep. is inciting violence against white people. What is kind of odd is that she did an interview in February in which she said Americans should be afraid of white men because they kill everyone and it’s only now coming to light.

Omar did this interview with Al Jazeera 6 months ago. The basic point was to give her a forum to accuse President Trump of racism.

“I think there isn’t a debate on whether Trump is a racist. I think he fits into every ‘ism,’” said Omar.

Her examples of Trump’s racism include his travel ban that she and all liberals misidentified as a Muslim ban. She even said this dumb thing about it:

“I think if we were really being honest about what is masquerading as a national security issue, we know that no one from any of these countries has ever posed a threat within this country,” said Omar.

Literally every terrorist attack, plot, and threat came from a Muslim from one of the countries on the travel ban list, which BTW was compiled by Obama.

Later, Omar was asked what she would tell Americans who are afraid of Muslim terrorists and her answer was completely off the wall:

“I would say our country should be more fearful of white man across our country because they are actually causing most of the deaths within this country,” said Omar.

Yeah, she said “white man” not “white men.” Also, not true. Here are the top 10 causes of death in the United States:

1. Heart disease
2. Cancer
3. Accidents
4. Chronic lower respiratory diseases
5. Stroke
6. Alzheimer’s disease
7. Diabetes
8. Influenza and pneumonia
9. Kidney disease
10. Suicide

You may notice that “white man” doesn’t appear anywhere on that list. Murder is way down the list and even then, most murders are committed by minorities, not Omar’s dreaded white man.

How is it that Omar can tell people to be afraid of white men and lie about their impact without so much as a fact-check from the liberal media? If President Trump said that Americans should be afraid of Somali women like Ilhan Omar because they cause most of the deaths in this country the outrage meter would peg to the right before exploding. It would be non-stop liberal media accusations that Trump is ten times more racist than Hitler.

We don’t even have to play the “what if” game here because President Trump recently suggested that if Ilhan Omar doesn’t like America, that she should leave. It doesn’t matter that Omar has a very public record of hating on America, the liberal media has declared Trump a super-racist for saying this. They have established that suggesting an American citizen should leave America is a racist hate crime.

Speaking of which, check out this Omar tweet:

OMG! Ilhan Omar said Americans should be deported. She’s a racist as per the liberal media rules of outrage.

She’s also a racist for telling people they should be afraid of murderous white men, but for some reason the fake news industry can’t bring themselves to condemn her for it. Much like how the House democrats couldn’t quite call out her anti-Semitism.

Maybe that Nerf basketball on her head makes her immune to accusations of racism. It’s either that or her race, religion, gender, and political party.