NAACP Impeaches President Trump, Which Is As Dumb As It Sounds

Earlier this week Hollywood douche Rob “Meathead” Reiner indicated that he felt like the entertainment industry had the authority to impeach President Trump. Nothing on the left happens in a vacuum as they all take their marching orders from the same Central Liberalism Authority, so the NAACP now also thinks they have presidential impeachment powers. In fact the pseudo-civil rights organization just voted to impeach Trump, which would mean something if he were the president of the NAACP. Instead it’s just sad or funny. I’m going with funny.

At their annual meeting, the NAACP got down to the real business affecting black people in this country:

I’m not really sure what that video is supposed to show, but there sure are a lot of empty seats unlike a Trump rally. They should have have offered black people employment opportunities and upward mobility like the President has because that’ll put asses in the seats.

The bottom line here is that the NAACP has voted, unanimously I might add, to impeach the President of the United States. I’ve never read their charter, but I am certain that they lack this authority. For some reason our Founding gFathers didn’t give impeachment powers to ridiculous race-hustling private organizations. I’m sure if the democrats ever get in control again, they will extend this courtesy to the NAACP, Black Lives Matter, and Al Sharpton.

Actually, I’m kidding. democrats hate black people and have never done anything that benefits them. Speaking of which, racist Joe Biden was also at the NAACP meeting and tried to explain away his racism by claiming he has a black friend.

The Hill reports:

Joe Biden fired back at Democratic rivals who have attacked him over his record on civil rights at an NAACP forum on Wednesday.

Biden said that former President Obama would not have picked him as vice president had he been “wrong” on civil rights issues.

“They did a significant background check…I doubt he would have picked me if these accusations about me being wrong on civil rights was correct,” said Biden.

The Hill also reported that when Biden said, “I can’t be racist, I know a black dude” that the crowd cheered wildly.

Let’s see if I have this straight: President Trump has created the best job market and lowest unemployment for black people in history and the NAACP impeaches him. Joe Biden on the other hand has a long history of racist statements, policies, and votes and the crowd goes nuts for his racist explanation for why he’s not racist?

Oddly enough this feels very consistent and I find nothing shocking at all about it. If the crowd had booed Biden’s racism or if the NAACP commended President Trump for being the first President since Lincoln for actually doing something to help black people I’d probably need a defibrillator, but this is business as usual.

Since the NAACP is granting themselves powers they don’t actually have, they shouldn’t have wasted it on impeaching president. The conservative-controlled NRA will never vote to convict Trump of high crimes and misdemeanors, so he’s not leaving office for quite some time. Instead, the NAACP should have given black people slave reparations. They’d never see a dime but the useless gesture would probably look better in a fundraising mailer.