Helen Keller Has Been Cancelled Because She Was White

Hellen Keller was a deaf, dumb, blind girl, but she sure could play a mean pinball. Oh wait, I’m thinking of someone else. In any case, Hellen Keller was deaf, dumb, and blind and has for generations been a hero for the disabled and an inspiration to millions. That’s all over now because someone noticed that she was white so she’s been cancelled.

Time magazine did an insane piece on the things you never learned about Hellen Keller in school. The article starts out by complaining that school kids never learned what a massive communist Keller was:

Most students learn that Keller, born June 27, 1880, in Tuscumbia, Ala., was left deaf and blind after contracting a high fever at 19 months, and that her teacher Anne Sullivan taught her braille, lip-reading, finger spelling and eventually,how to speak.

But they don’t learn that she co-founded the American Civil Liberties Union in 1920; that she was an early supporter of the NAACP, and an opponent of lynchings; that she was an early proponent of birth control.

She was a member of the Socialist Party, and corresponded with Eugene Debs, the party’s most prominent member and a five-time presidential candidate. She also read Marx, and her associations with all of these far-left groups landed her on the radar of the FBI, which monitored her for ties to the Communist Party.

After hoisting Keller up as a progressive socialist hero, Time promptly cancelled her due to her skin color:

However, to some Black disability rights activists, like Anita Cameron, Helen Keller is not radical at all, “just another, despite disabilities, privileged white person,” and yet another example of history telling the story of privileged white Americans.

Well, she’s done for. We can’t have anyone looking up to someone who was white. Ironically, Hellen Keller literally didn’t see skin color.

When you think about someone like Keller, who couldn’t hear, see, or talk, that last word that comes to mind is “privileged” but here is Time magazine promoting the idea that she should be mothballed for having too much white privilege.

Also, I couldn’t help but to notice that Alexander Graham Bell got a stealth-cancel in there too. Yeah, he invented the telephone, but the dude was so damn white, so f*ck him.

The left’s history revision campaign has been cancelling our Founding Fathers because they were white and owned slaves but it looks like they are running out of slave owners and turning on people simply because they were white. A school in San Francisco named after Abraham Lincoln, who freed the slaves, is getting renamed because lefties don’t think he thought black lives mattered enough.

This will be a major effort to cancel every white person in history because nearly everything of significance in the country was accomplished by a white person. By the time the left is done cancelling whitey, there will be significant gaps in our history:

In 1770 Crispus Attucks was killed fighting the British by himself. Nothing happened for over a hundred years until George Washington Carver didn’t invent peanut butter. After another hundred years of nothing happening, Rosa Parks sat on a bus.

When liberals are done carving up the history books it’ll be like reading a redacted classified document with all the good parts blacked out. (pun intended)