Breaking News! Ruth Bader Ginsberg Claims She’s Still Alive

I would hope that Politifact or Snopes does a fact-check on this because it seems so outlandish. According to Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, she is still alive. When asked to offer proof of life the Supreme Court Justice gloated over the death of a Republican Senator, which satisfies her liberal horribleness credentials, but doesn’t quiet prove she isn’t dead.

Don’t confuse this with another unwatchable The Walking Dead spin-off or a Weekend At Bernie’s sequel, it’s actually an interview conducted by the NPR. The interviewer, who doesn’t seem to be able to open her eyes, asked Ginsberg what she thinks about people who worry about her health.

“There was a senator, I think it was after my pancreatic cancer, who announced with great glee that I was going to be dead within six months That senator, whose name I have forgotten, is now himself dead, and I am very much alive,” said Ginsberg.

The NPR reported that RGB delivered this line “with a smile” but that is fake news, as this is what her face looked like:

If that’s what NPR thinks a smile looks like, chances are the reporting on Ginsberg’s aliveness is also fake.

For the record, the Senator she was talking about is/was Kentucky Republican and Hall Of Fame major-league pitcher Jim Bunning. In 2009, following Ginsberg’s pancreatic cancer surgery, he was talking about getting more conservative Justices on the Supreme Court.

He described her type of cancer as, “bad cancer. The kind that you don’t get better from.”

“Even though she was operated on, usually, nine months is the longest that anybody would live,” said Bunning.

Bunning later apologized and explained that he wasn’t trying to predict Ginsberg’s death, but merely stating a fact about her particular cancer. There was no “glee” in the original statement and the apology was sincere.

“It is great to see her back at the Supreme Court today and I hope she recovers quickly. My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family,” Bunning said.

Bunning died in 2017 from a stroke.

When Ginsberg was talking about Bunning dying, both she and the interviewer laughed. You know, because it’s hilarious when Republicans die and whatnot. While Bunning certainly had no glee in talking about Ginsberg’s possible fate, she had a ton of it over his demise.

While Ginsberg certainly proved her liberal shittines, she said a lot of other non-liberal things in the interview, which raises serious questions about her being alive:

Several Democratic candidates have indicated an openness, if they were to win the presidency, to adding to the number of justices on the Supreme Court to reduce the power of the current conservative majority. Some would also like to enact term limits for Supreme Court justices.

“Nine seems to be a good number. It’s been that way for a long time. I think it was a bad idea when President Franklin Roosevelt tried to pack the court,” Ginsberg said.


Like other members of the current Supreme Court, liberal and conservative alike, Ginsburg rebuts the notion that the court is a partisan institution.

Yes, it is definitely more conservative than she would like, and, yes, she has strong disagreements with some of her colleagues on some issues. But overall, she maintains that the justices are working well together.


Asked whether she worries that the current conservative court majority will retrench on questions of gender equality, she replied, “I don’t think there’s going to be any going back to old ways.”

She’s a witch! Burn her!

I watched the interview, and yes she seems to be answering questions, though incoherently, but I’m not convinced this proves she’s still “very much alive.” It could just as easily have been gas escaping her corpse. I think the interviewer should have stuck a meat thermometer in her. If it was above room temperature, she’s still alive. If not…Weekend At Bernie’s 2: RGBoogaloo.