Illegal Aliens Sue U.S. For Separating Them From Their Kids

What’s shitty parenting worth? About $3 million a pop if the Southern Poverty Law Center has its way. The pseudo-civil rights group is suing the federal government on behalf of three illegal alien fathers who were separated from their kids as they were apprehended sneaking into this country. Yeah, they want to be compensated for breaking the law. I wonder if I can sue the State of California over my last speeding ticket. Probably if I weren’t a white US citizen.

CNN reports, because of course they do:

Three fathers who were separated from their young children when they tried to migrate to the US want millions of dollars in compensation from the US government for the toll the months of separation took on their families.

Well no, these fathers weren’t trying to “migrate” to the US, they were trying to illegally enter, which as the name indicates is a crime.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and law firm Covington & Burlington filed administrative claims Thursday seeking damages from the US government on behalf of three men who were separated from their children at the border. The separation caused lasting harm for the families, the advocacy group and law firm said in a news release.

The filings describe children who cry in the night, refuse to eat and are fearful of going out, and parents struggling with guilt and anxiety.

“Thousands of children, parents and entire families will suffer the rest of their lives as a result of this administration’s intentionally cruel family separations,” said SPLC kook Michelle Lapointe.

Gosh, if only there were some way that these fathers could have avoided being separated from their children. Like for instance if they didn’t drag them through the desert while attempting to commit a crime. Naw, that’s probably not possible. They were obviously forced into this.

The claims are seeking $3 million in compensation per person, or a total of $6 million per separated family, the SPLC told CNN. If the government does not respond to the claims within six months, the fathers can go on to sue the government in federal court.

Hopefully the government’s response is a text with one of those smiley face emojis laughing so hard it’s crying followed by a “LMFAO.” This may set the record for the most frivolous lawsuit ever filed as well as the case with the least amount of merit.

Just look at this garbage:

One father, identified as M.C.L., said since returning to Guatemala after seeking asylum in the US, he and his wife have been keeping watch over their 7-year-old son as he sleeps at night, according to the filing.

The boy lives in a perpetual state of fear and they worry he may try to leave or hurt himself at night, the filing says. His mother carries him to bed, holding him while he cries until he falls asleep.

A year after returning to Guatemala, the child struggles in school, frequently refuses to eat and is afraid of police officers, the filing says.

“This is a stark difference from the child A.C.R. was before he was separated from his father,” the complaint says. “Before the separation, A.C.R. was a normal, happy child.”

Meantime, M.C.L. is struggling with guilt over not having done more to prevent the separation, according to the filing.

Here’s a fair question: if this kid was normal and happy, why did his parents uproot him, drag him across Mexico to the US border, and then try to sneak in? No seriously, if he had a good life, why’d his parents f*ck it up completely? The answer is: because they are shitty parents who bear 100% responsibility for everything that happened.

Stick with me on this, especially stupid liberals who think separating kids from their criminal parents is cruel and inhumane: If a scumbag takes his child with him when he robs a liquor store and is arrested, the father and the child will be separated because it’s actually against the law to put children in adult jails. When the father is eventually convicted and sent to prison, there will be a further level of separation from his child because again, they don’t let little kids live in adult prisons.

How is what happened to these fathers or other border-jumpers any different? They brought they kids along with them when they committed a crime. They know that entering the US without permission is illegal and yet they did it anyway with their kids. Make better choices as a parent and better things will happen to your kids.

This is like a mother who burns her kids with cigarettes suing the state for taking them away. Child neglect and abuse shouldn’t be compensated and shame on any liberal activist judge who rules in favor of these shitty fathers.