Friday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Thank God It’s Friday!

The Mueller Hearing 

By Ben Garrison

Mueller’s congressional ‘hearing’ was a disaster for the Democrats. Tina and I watched the political theater live and both of us came up with cartoons.

The former FBI director and special prosecutor seemed unwilling or unable to answer questions pertaining to his own report. The befuddled 74-year-old acted even older than his age as he refused to answer questions for vague reasons. Over and over, he rebuffed questions by stating they were not in his ‘purview.’ One has to wonder what was in his purview.

Even more disturbing was his frail and disconnected performance. He could not remember his own report. It was obvious he didn’t even write it. He didn’t know what Fusion GPS was! Or maybe he was only feigning incompetence. After all, he had to have known Hillary paid Fusion GPS to drum up negative information on Trump. Russian operatives provided lies to the spy Christopher Steele, which formed the basis of his dossier. It should have been quickly discredited, but instead served as the basis for a case against Trump. Incredibly, Mueller claimed the Steele dossier was not in his purview! Perhaps Mueller was covering for Bill and Hillary, who really did collude with Russia. Everyone knows about their Uranium One deal, in which Mueller himself was involved.

Democrats such as Nadler and Schiff had high hopes that Mueller would spill some sort of anti-Trump beans. They want to restart the Russian collusion farce.

They want our president impeached.

Many of the Democrats praised Mueller effusively and honored him for his service. Indeed, Mueller does deserve honor for his service as a marine. His behavior as an FBI head and now special prosecutor has been less than honorable. Taxpayers spent close to 40 million dollars so he could drag out the witch-hunt.

Mueller stated that although he could not find evidence that Trump colluded with Russia, it doesn’t mean that Trump wasn’t guilty of something–and hinted he could be prosecuted for obstruction after his term was up. This is nonsense. There was no obstruction and it’s not Mueller’s job to pronounce innocence or guilt no more than it was Comey’s job to exonerate Hillary by claiming she had no bad intent when she egregiously broke the law. Mueller seems to have forgotten that people are innocent until proven guilty. The president is entitled to that too–he’s not a ’special case’ as Mueller suggested. Mueller does not get to rewrite the Constitution as he goes along. His actions were not honorable. Indeed, they are reprehensible!

Mueller was installed to protect the swamp and after what I saw today, that swamp can finally begin to be drained. The witch-hunt is over.

There will be no impeachment. The Democrats lost. They defeated themselves.

Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.

The investigators need to be investigated

Via Legal Insurrection

My initial reaction to Robert Mueller’s congressional appearance was one of pity. He was a pathetic character on the stage, seemingly bewildered at times, mentally frail, and vulnerable as a witness.

What a way to end a career and to be remembered by friend and foe alike.

But emotion is not the way to assess what we saw. It’s not an overstatement to say that the Hillary-DNC-Fusion GPS-Steele operation, as embraced by influential members of the FBI and possibly intelligence services, compounded by leaks to and collusion of a willing media, came close to undermining a presidential election before and after Election Day.

In many ways the Mueller testimony confirmed our worst fears that the Mueller Investigation was the Mueller Investigation in name only, that it was run the way the pre-Mueller investigation of Trump was run — by people with a political agenda to override the 2016 election result, or at least to make sure it didn’t happen again in 2020. It’s a theme we’ve covered here pretty much since the Inauguration.

Whether Robert Mueller was a mere figurehead or in control, he was a participant. So while he was a sorry figure in the congressional hearings, and his appearance did substantial damage to Democrat and media plans, the gravity of what happened should not be lessened. It almost worked.

The media, of course, was a full participant in what happened. Just when you thought the major organizations who control almost all of popular and social media couldn’t get any worse, they do. This all takes place while high tech companies put the thumb on the scale by penalizing non-liberal content.

Read the entire article HERE

The Rise Of Woke Capitalism

Via Zero Hedge

The Nike Company recently planned to unveil a new sneaker in time for the July 4 holiday, a red, white, and blue air-shoe that had the image of the Betsy Ross Flag on the back. The company manufactured and shipped the shoes, but before their release date, suddenly Nike recalled all of them. Colin Kaepernick, the former quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers who became a counterculture star because he kneeled during the playing of the National Anthem before professional football games, is now on the Nike payroll, and he objected because the flag was created in 1776 – and slavery in the 13 Colonies at the time was legal. Thus, he argued, Nike would have been endorsing an era of slavery.

Almost immediately, each of the candidates running for the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party endorsed Nike’s move, claiming that the venerable flag suddenly had become the very symbol of White Supremacy. Why? Because Americans flew it in 1776 when slavery was in the land, so by that measure alone, it stands for systematic racism, and no Democrat presidential candidate wants to be called a racist.

Nike has become a leader in what now is called Woke Capitalism, which involves firms taking on the mantle of promoting the progressive version of social justice. One recalls when Google fired engineer James Darmore last year because he publicly aired his views on some aspects of affirmative action that Google practiced. Darmore’s views hardly were controversial to most Americans and he did not use disparaging language toward women and minorities, but even that was too much for Google, which openly considers itself to be a Woke company — and Darmore to be a beyond-comprehension bigot.

This new corporate workplace enforcement of limited worldviews only is different in degree than what used to pass for the loyalty oaths in totalitarian states. These “woke” workplaces remind me of religious institutions (including a few where I have taught) in which the employees had to hold to certain beliefs about Jesus, the Bible, and Christian doctrine in general. However, the purpose of those colleges was to help train people in the Christian faith; they were religious in nature, and they were run by people who held to certain doctrinal beliefs. Furthermore, like-minded people tend to self-select to such institutions.

Read the entire article HERE.

Democrats Use The Specter Of Racism To Sow Racial Discord

Via Townhall

Democrats routinely blame Donald Trump for exacerbating racial tensions, but they’re the ones who made the stoking of ethnic conflict a hallmark of their electoral strategy long before 2016.

President Lyndon Johnson, for instance, reportedly viewed the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act in purely cynical and racist terms, predicting that the new laws would enable Democrats to secure the black vote for generations to come. Democrats then spent the next several decades baselessly impugning their Republican opponents as racists, but the practice really ramped up during the administration of President Barack Obama.

As the militant Black Lives Matter movement began calling for violence against police officers and rioting in the streets, Obama added fuel to the fire with his pronouncements on race. When the nation was divided over the killing of black teenager Trayvon Martin, for instance, Obama remarked that if he had a son, he would look like Martin.

When Ferguson, Missouri was turned upside down by protesters after a police officer shot a black teenager who was trying to escape custody, Obama offered perfunctory support for law enforcement, yet simultaneously validated the protesters by saying that he thinks their concerns are justified. When a black college professor raised a national furor because a white police officer confused him for a burglar as he was trying to enter his home through a window, Obama’s immediate response was to condemn the police department for “acting stupidly.”

Obama’s divisive comments on issues of race made him sound tone-deaf to the nation as a whole, but they were perfectly tailored to appeal to the increasingly radical Democrat base.

Read the entire article HERE.

Seafood Restaurant Releases ‘PETA Tears’ Beer After Feud With The Organization

Via The Daily Caller

Jimmy’s Famous Seafood announced the launch of a new beer called “PETA Tears” to commemorate the one-year anniversary of their Twitter feud with the animal rights organization, PETA.

PETA Tears is a blonde, traditional American lager with 4.9% alcohol that pairs exceptionally well with seafood, John Minadakis, co-owner of Jimmy’s, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“It’s a process. You don’t just wake up one day and make a beer. It’s something a lot of our social media followers requested,” Minadakis said.

The spat began when People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) erected a large billboard across from Minadakis’ restaurant. The billboard featured an image of a crab with the text, “I’m ME Not MEAT.”

Read the entire article HERE.

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