Trump Accused Of Racism For Saying Baltimore Is A Toilet

Just when he got over the “racism” controversy of suggesting that an America-hater was free to leave if she didn’t like it, President Trump is once again embroiled in silly liberal racism hysteria. This time the President had the gaul to make the astute observation that Baltimore has a slight crime and filth problem. Also, I was just kidding. The left never gets over these faux outrages concerning Trump’s innocuous statements.

Like everything that sets the left off, this begins with President Trump’s Twitter:

Okay, what did he just write that isn’t 100% true? The answer is nothing, but liberals hate the truth so therefore it must be racism. Here’s CNN to get the ball rolling:

Trump literally wrote that Cummings’ West Baltimore district was “rat infested.” He never said or even implied that it was infested with “black and brown people.”

CNN’s Oliver Darcy kept the ball rolling with this one:

We don’t have to play the “what if” game here; Ilhan Omar talks shit about the entire country on a regular basis. That’s the reason why President Trump pointed out to her that if she hates America so much she’s free to leave.

Which brings us to Maggie Haberman of the New York Times:

True. Cummings’ district is part of America and it just so happens that part is a shithole. What’s yer point?

Weirdly enough, Bernie Sanders said a similar thing about Baltimore a few years ago:

I wonder why the liberal media never accused Bernie of racism for saying that Baltimore is a bigger shithole than North Korea. They don’t have a double standard when it comes to outrage, do they?

Obviously this will be the thing that liberals will rage about for the next week or until Trump tweets that San Francisco is covered in human feces. We can expect the liberal media to start running “fact-check” pieces to show that Baltimore is really a beautiful safe city, despite all the murders and filth. Nancy Pelosi and the House democrats will pass a resolution declaring the President a racist and Baltimore the most glorious place on Earth.

This is all part of the leftist campaign to define true statements from Trump as racism. He says (maybe) that Central America, Africa, and Haiti are shitholes, which they are, and they cry “racism.” He tells Ilhan Omar if she doesn’t like America, and she doesn’t, that she can leave and they scream “racism.” He says Baltimore has a problem with crime and rats, which it does, and they hire a skywriter to put “racism” over Washington DC.

Sometimes the truth hurts, but for liberals suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, it can be fatal. When you live in a fantasy world, any glimpse of reality can be dangerous and even deadly.