Racist Hillary Clinton Says ‘MAGA’ Is A White Nationalist Slogan

It’s been around a month since anyone paid any attention to Hillary Clinton and she’s starting to panic. With all of the attention on the democrats who are running for president in 2020, Hillary lit her wig on fire and started jumping up and down screaming, “I’m still relevant!” She of course is not, but she attempted to get on the post-Mueller liberal narrative that President Trump is a racist. Hillary’s contribution to this bullshit is that “Make America Great Again” is a white nationalist slogan. As you will soon see this is yet another example of Hillary’s selective memory and lack of self-awareness.

Here’s what Hillary thought would bring her back into the conversation:

Well no, white nationalists don’t say MAGA is their slogan, The Huffington Post said that and there’s a huge difference. Also, by tweeting this out, it’s clear that Hillary Clinton also says MAGA is a white nationalist slogan.

Interestingly enough, President Trump’s MAGA slogan isn’t entirely his. Here’s a video of Hillary’s husband Bill from 1991 when he announced his candidacy for president:

“I believe that together we can make America great again,” said Bill.

WTF? Bill Clinton was saying MAGA 25 years before Donald Trump? Wow, he’s what we call an “early adopter” for white nationalism. Then again, the Clintons have always been ahead of the curve when it comes to racism.

In her book It Takes A Village, Hillary wrote about how when her husband was governor of Arkansas, that they had black inmates servants in the governor’s mansion. Two white people forcing black people to do manual labor without compensation is another way of saying slavery. Yes, the Clintons owned, or at least rented, slaves.

Hillary Clinton was mentored by Senator Robert Byrd, who was a former recruiter of the KKK. Here’s a fun picture of her sucking face with the Exalted Cyclops of the KKK:

Hillary coined the term “super predators” in reference to young black men who she likened to dogs saying, “We have to bring them to heel.”

Hillary started the “birther” rumors that Barack Obama wasn’t born in this country as well as distributing pictures showing him as a secret Muslim. Hillary has said that when Trump questioned Obama’s birth certificate it was incredibly racist so since she started the whole thing it must be extra-super-special racism. Bill also once blasted Obama by saying, “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”

In the lead-up to the 2016 election, Hillary took the stage with NYC Mayor Bill de Balsio and made a “joke” about how lazy “colored people” are.

Plus there’s this thing:

To recap: Hillary is a blackface-wearing slave-owning black-hating Obama-hating KKK-loving white woman married to the guy who came up with MAGA. Based on all of this, somehow Donald Trump is the white nationalist? Sorry, it doesn’t work like that.