Democrats Purge Executive Staff For Being Too White

Democrats are always preaching diversity but the fact remains that the upper levels of power in the party are all occupied by rich white people. Sensing some bad optics the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) forced the resignation of much of the executive staff because they were too damn white. Nothing says equality and tolerance like getting rid of people because of the color of their skin, does it?

Here’s a really funny thing from Politico:

The departures comes as chairwoman Cheri Bustos faces accusations that she has done little to address the lack of diversity in the upper ranks of the campaign arm.

The top echelon of staffers at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee left their jobs Monday, a shakeup following a pair of Politico stories detailing deep unease with the party’s campaign apparatus over a lack of diversity.

On Monday morning, Allison Jaslow, DCCC executive director and a close ally of Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-Ill.) — chair of the committee — resigned during a tense meeting at the party’s Capitol Hill headquarters. And in the next 10 hours, much of the senior staff was out: Jared Smith, the communications director and another Bustos ally; Melissa Miller, a top DCCC communications aide; Molly Ritner, political director; Nick Pancrazio, deputy executive director; and Van Ornelas, the DCCC’s director of diversity.

“Today has been a sobering day filled with tough conversations that too often we avoid but I can say confidently that we are taking the first steps toward putting the DCCC back on path to protect and expand our majority, with a staff that truly reflects the diversity of our Democratic caucus and our party,” said Bustos.

Okay, so all of these DCCC executive staff were pressured to resign because they weren’t diverse enough, meaning they were too white. The Democrats got rid of staffers based simply on their skin color, which is the most democrat thing to happen this week.

This is not a case of me reading too much into something, Politico straight up says these staffers are out because the power of the DCCC is too damn white:

POLITICO reported last week that top lawmakers in the Congressional Black Caucus and Congressional Hispanic Caucus were furious with Bustos, saying she was short-changing minorities by excluding them from her senior staff and failing to live up to promises she made during her campaign for the chairmanship. Bustos surrounded herself with loyalists, eschewing the typical campaign hands who run major party apparatuses.

It gets funnier because they replaced the evil white executive director with another white woman:

Jacqui Newman, the chief operating officer for the campaign arm, will serve as interim executive director and facilitate the search for a permanent replacement, Bustos said in a statement late Monday.

I can’t actually find a picture of Jacqui Newman to prove she’s white, but she is. If she turns out to be black, Asian, Hispanic, or Eskimo I will retract this portion of the article and make a small donation in her name to the United Negro College Fund.

Somehow this story gets even more hilarious because, as The Hill reports, one unnamed House democrat thinks the DCCC is a race-hustling clown car that crashed into a house of race cards hosting a shitshow:

“The idea of all DCCC staff sitting around for hours on Friday and again today to talk about this internal shit enrages me. Shut the f*ck up about your feelings and just focus on winning,” said the democrat.


“You know how NRCC [National Republican Congressional Committee] spent their day Friday and today? Not sitting around talking about diversity and their feelings,” added the lawmaker.

You know what else the NRCC has been doing? Raising millions of dollars while the democrats are running up debt. They also haven’t been hiring or firing people based on their race, but rather ability. Kooky, right?

Hey, democrats are the party of identity politics. If they aren’t going waste all of their time freaking out over race, they wouldn’t be democrats. This is like complaining that democrats spend too much time pushing expensive unworkable solutions to problems they created. This is what the party is.

The question is, when are the democrats going to purge white people from their Congressional leadership positions? Whoa there, let’s not go crazy. Diversity is just something they like to talk about not actually achieve.