President Trump Won’t Let Immigrants Mooch Off Of Welfare Anymore And Liberals Are Crying

In 1996 then-president Bill Clinton signed a law that banned legal immigrants from mooching off of our social welfare programs. Barack Obama didn’t have any interest in enforcing this law, But President Trump does. The President announced that going forward, legal immigrants can be denied visas and green cards if they are not self-sufficient, which has naturally caused a crying/fainting spell on the left. So much for their narrative that immigrants make this country stronger through hard work.

Here’s something from The Hill that is causing anger hemorrhoids on the left:

The Trump administration on Monday released the final version of a controversial rule that dramatically increases the government’s ability to reject green cards for people who are deemed likely to depend on government aid such as food stamps, housing assistance and Medicaid.

The new “public charge” rule would link a subject’s immigration status to their income and their use of certain public programs.

The administration has portrayed the rule as a way to promote sufficiency and independence among immigrants.

Like I said, this is a law signed by Bill Clinton, not a rule and not new as The Hill would like you to believe. Hey, the liberal media is gonna liberal media.

The rule defines the term “public charge” in the Immigration and Nationality Act, which gives the Department of Homeland Security authority to deny applicants green cards, visas or entry into the U.S. if there is a risk they will become public charges.

The public charge term has historically referred to someone who is “primarily dependent on the government for subsistence” based on their receipt of “public cash assistance.”

The new rule expands the definition to include anyone who receives food stamps, Medicaid and housing subsidies.

Receipt of one or more of those designated public benefits for an aggregate 12 months within any three-year period by any noncitizen will be considered a negative factor in determining whether or not they become a public charge.

Ok, cool. People can no longer come to this country to mooch off of our social programs. 23 years after a good bipartisan law was passed, it’s finally being enforced. I wonder how the democrats are taking this.

Here’s what Danny Heck (D-Wash) had to say on CNN:

“The president hates all immigrants except his mother and father-in-law and his wife evidently. He hates them whether they’re here without documents, they’re here with a green card, they’re here seeking asylum — he hates them all,” said Heck.

What the heck is this guy talking about? I guess it’s good that his last name isn’t “F*ck” because he also doesn’t know what the f*ck he’s talking about.

Reporter Ayman Mohyeldin said this on MSNBC:

“We know the president has had a preference with immigrants from Nordic countries, he’s made that very clear as opposed to some of the other disadvantaged countries,” said Mohyeldin.

Well, this law applies to every immigrant from every country so it’s not discriminatory. But kudos to Mohyeldin for saying that only white immigrants are capable of taking care of themselves. I feel like that would be considered racist if Trump said it.

Zero-percenter and NYC mayor Bill de Blasio is planning on suing Trump for enforcing a Clinton-era law. The Washington Examiner reports:

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that the city will take the Trump administration to court over a new rule that will prohibit entry to immigrants or deny visa renewals based on their reliance to government benefits.

“The President is launching a direct assault on our immigrant brothers and sisters. The America we know was built by hardworking dreamers from all over the world. That’s the America we’re fighting to protect. To our immigrant New Yorkers: We stand with you now and always. To our president: We’ll see you in court,” said de Blasio in a statement.

Well, if they are hardworking immigrants, they wouldn’t be on welfare, would they? Democrats really do count on people being stupid for support, don’t they?

The democrats’ narrative is that immigrants, especially illegal ones, come to this country, work hard, and contribute to our society. Trump is enforcing a law that restricts immigrants from mooching off of social programs, something hardworking contributors don’t do, so what’s the problem? Absolutely no hardworking immigrants will be impacted by this, just the lazy scumbags, AKA the democratic party’s base.