A Racist RINO And ‘Fat Squiggy’ Consider Challenging Trump In GOP Primary

Joe Walsh (not the guy from the Eagles and The James Gang) and Mr. Kellyanne Conway are seriously considering challenging President Trump in the GOP primary, which is weird considering how unserious this plan is. Unlike Trump, Walsh has an actual recorded history of racism and George Conway looks like a fatter “Squiggy” from Laverne & Shirley. Surly they can’t think they have a shot at the GOP nomination. Yes they do and don’t call them Shirley.

CNN reports that former Republican Illinois Congressman and “conservative” radio host Joe Walsh will announce his presidential bid any day now:

“I’m strongly, strongly considering it. That’s — again, I’m not trying to be cute or coy. I’ve told you before — if somebody’s going to get in there and go after him … it’s got to be done soon. You’re running out of time. But more importantly, these are not conventional times. Look at the guy in the White House. These are urgent times,” said Walsh.

I don’t think the timing of a primary challenge is the issue here, but rather the fact that Trump is the incumbent President of the United States and Joe Walsh is a RINO nobody.

The story gets funnier because The New York Times reports that Walsh met with White House aide Kellyanne Conway’s NeverTrumper husband George to possibly ask him to be his running mate.

“I think Walsh’s plan to attack Trump for his dishonesty, amorality, instability and incompetence is absolutely the right approach, and I’ll do whatever I can to help,” said Conway.

The only thing these two assclowns have going for them is that the liberal media hates Donald Trump so they will spend tremendous resources promoting this joke as a serious threat. Too bad for them that it’s actual Republicans who vote for the nominee in the GOP primary and nobody in gives a flying fart about a Walsh/Conway ticket.

In kinda sorta announcing his primary challenge, Walsh dropped this:

“The only way you primary Donald Trump and beat him is to expose him for the con man he is,” said Walsh.

Con man, eh? Just for fun, let’s look at some of Walsh’s deleted tweets:

Well, he doesn’t know how to spell the Hispanic slur, but at least he got the N-wrd right. Also, damn, this dude really feels entitled to drop N-bombs, doesn’t he?

What’s his campaign platform? “I’m way more racist than the liberal media pretends Trump is.”

Walsh seems more like a democrat than even a RINO or NeverTrumper with racist language like that. Maybe he should hook up with Klan-fan Virginia Governor Ralph “Coonman” Northam for a run at Trump.

Obviously this primary challenge is a joke to everyone but Walsh and Conway. They won’t win one single delegate and will only embarrass themselves.

Actually, CNN also doesn’t think this is a joke and I predict they will have Walsh on more than they had “Creepy Porn Lawyer” Michael Avenatti. The fake news network will cover this joke primary challenge ten-times more than they report on anything that actually qualifies as news.