Joe Biden Keeps Telling A Fake Story Of Military Heroism

With Joe Biden’s plagiarism, racism, and insanity taking center stage many people forget that he’s also a lying sack of crap. The former vice president keeps telling a military heroism tale that never happened. Every aspect of the story is false and yet he keeps repeating it, embellishing the lie each time. The best possible way to frame this evolving lie is that Biden’s mind is gone and he doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about, which doesn’t bode well for guy facing questions about his mental sharpness.

The Washington Post (yes, really) busted Biden for continually telling a story at fundraisers and camping stops that never happened. Here’s the most recent version of the story:

Joe Biden painted a vivid scene for the 400 people packed into a college meeting hall. A four-star general had asked the then-vice president to travel to Kunar province in Afghanistan, a dangerous foray into “godforsaken country” to recognize the remarkable heroism of a Navy captain.

Some told him it was too risky, but Biden said he brushed off their concerns. “We can lose a vice president,” he said. “We can’t lose many more of these kids. Not a joke.”

The Navy captain, Biden recalled Friday night, had rappelled down a 60-foot ravine under fire and retrieved the body of an American comrade, carrying him on his back. Now the general wanted Biden to pin a Silver Star on the American hero who, despite his bravery, felt like a failure.

“He said, ‘Sir, I don’t want the damn thing!’ ” Biden said, his jaw clenched and his voice rising to a shout. “’Do not pin it on me, Sir! Please, Sir. Do not do that! He died. He died!’ ”

The room was silent.

“This is the God’s truth,” Biden had said as he told the story. “My word as a Biden.”

Okay, so Biden’s word being good is dependent upon this story being 100% factual, but as the WaPo points out, Joe lied to God:

Except almost every detail in the story appears to be incorrect. Based on interviews with more than a dozen U.S. troops, their commanders and Biden campaign officials, it appears as though the former vice president has jumbled elements of at least three actual events into one story of bravery, compassion and regret that never happened.

Biden visited Kunar province in 2008 as a U.S. senator, not as vice president. The service member who performed the celebrated rescue that Biden described was a 20-year-old Army specialist, not a much older Navy captain. And that soldier, Kyle J. White, never had a Silver Star, or any other medal, pinned on him by Biden. At a White House ceremony six years after Biden’s visit, White stood at attention as President Barack Obama placed a Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest award for valor, around his neck.

And this next part is maybe the greatest thing ever published by the WaPo:

The upshot: In the space of three minutes, Biden got the time period, the location, the heroic act, the type of medal, the military branch and the rank of the recipient wrong, as well as his own role in the ceremony.


Here’s a fun video the WaPo made to chronicle the evolution of Biden’s fake story:

Back in 2008 Biden used to tell a story about how he was flying in a helicopter over Afghanistan when Taliban fire forced it land in the mountains. It turned out the helicopter was actually forced to land because of a snow storm, so he has a history of making up military stories.

But this newest one seems utterly bizarre because he doesn’t benefit from the lie. When claiming his helicopter was shot at, he hoped people will think he’s very brave, but in the medal pinning lie he’s a passive observer. What is the point of telling a bullshit story if the lie doesn’t make Biden look better, braver, or more virtuous?

The answer is because Biden likes to lie just for the sake of lying. That’s actually some serious sociopathic behavior. Most people lie to get out of trouble or to present better image of themself, but Biden lies just for the f*ck of it.

All of this puts Biden’s people in the position of having to defend him by saying his memory ain’t what it used to be. The alternative is to admit that he’s a pathological liar. Either way, it doesn’t make the case that Biden can be trusted or should be in charge of the most powerful country in the world.