Biden Shames America For Electing KKK Members To Congress (Fails To Note Party Affiliation)

Joe Biden wants you to remember the shameful history of America electing members of the KKK to Congress, he just doesn’t want you to remember the party affiliation of those KKK members. In a fiery speech (by Biden standards) the illegitimate president shamed this country’s racist past but somehow neglected to mention that all of the KKK members of Congress were democrats.

To cap off the week-long celebration of the 100 year anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre, Biden went to the city to give a factually-challenged speech. As he is known to do, Biden wandered off the subject and rambled on about the scourge of the Ku Klux Klan:

“Friend of mine, Jon Meacham, I had written, when I said I was running to restore the soul of America. He wrote a book called The Soul of America, not because of what I said. And there’s a picture about page 160 in his book, showing over 30,000 Klu Klux Klan members in full regalia,” said Biden. “Pointed hats, the robes marching down Pennsylvania avenue in Washington.”

Yeah, that was the Democratic National Convention in 1925:

“If my memory is correct, there were 37 members of the House of Representatives who were open members of the Klan. There were five, if I’m not mistaken, could have been seven, I think it was five members of the United States Senate, open members of the Klan,” Biden said.

There were actually 8 democrats in the Senate who were members of the KKK, including Edmund Pettis, of bridge fame, and Robert Byrd, who Biden eulogized. Biden’s memory however wasn’t correct as there were only 3 U.S. Representatives who members of the KKK, but they were all democrats.

Continuing to meander, Biden then said the KKK was formed to get him specifically:

“Most people didn’t realize that a century ago, the Klan was founded just six years before the horrific destruction here in Tulsa. And one of the reasons why it was founded was because of guys like me who are Catholic. It wasn’t about African-Americans then,” said Biden.

Biden is certainly old enough to be a target of the KKK a century ago, but some people might see it as racist to take focus away from black victimhood like this. Fortunately, none of those people are in the liberal media.

Finally, Biden said we owe it to history to remember some aspects of the KKK, while ignoring others:

“Millions of white Americans belonged to the Klan, and they weren’t even embarrassed by it. They were proud of it. And that hate became embedded systematically and systemically in our laws and our culture. We do ourselves no favors by pretending none of this ever happened or doesn’t impact us today, because it does still impact us today. We can’t just choose to learn what we want to know and not what we should know,” Biden said.

Can we learn that the KKK was founded by democrats and was a driving force of the democratic party? Biden is clearly choosing to learn what he wants to know and not what he should know.

If the Republican Party was in any way linked to the KKK, democrats would scream “racism and white supremacy” until their throats were raw. Actually, they do that anyways and they’re the mother*ckers who started the KKK. How did they manage to flip the script and portray Republicans as racist when they own every single piece of racism in America’s history?