Liberals Hoping Hurricane Dorian Hits Trump’s Mar-A-Lago

Trump Derangement Syndrome makes liberals do all kinds of terrible things. Take for instance wishing death and destruction upon innocent people just to show how much they can’t accept the results of a free and fair election. Liberals are actually wishing that Hurricane Dorian slams into President Trump’s Mar-A-Lago resort in Florida. Trump won’t be there, but a lot of people will be and liberals hope they will suffer for the crime of being located near a Trump property.

Hurricane Dorian is expected to become a category 3 or maybe even 4 storm when it hits the eastern coast of Florida. This is a scary storm that will do a lot of damage. I wonder what former Canadian prime minister Kim Campbell thinks:

“I’m rooting for a direct hit on Mar a Lago!” Campbell wrote in a now-deleted tweet.

Most people are rooting that the storm to take a sudden turn north and fizzle out over the Atlantic, but you know…Trump bad.

For the record, Campbell was the Canadian PM for only a couple of months in the 1990’s before the hosers told her to “take off, eh.”

Luckily award winning journalist David Leavitt was bold enough to leave his horrible death wish tweet up:

Leavitt’s tweet takes on some added stupidity because not only does he want innocent people to die, he also thinks that global warming causes hurricanes. He should do some research and find out if there was such a thing as hurricanes before Al Gore invented man-made global warming. I think he’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Here’s the thing that these awful leftists don’t get: Trump will not be in Mar-a-Lago when and if Hurricane Dorian hits, so hoping that the storm will take him out is ridiculous. Also, Trump’s properties are insured and any damage done by Dorian won’t hurt the president financially.

On the other hand, there hundreds of thousands of people who live near Mar-a-Lago, many of whom will not evacuate. Also there’s a ton of privately own homes in the area, many of which are not insured against hurricanes and flooding.

Dorian hitting Mar-a-Lago doesn’t do a damn thing to President Trump, but it will cause a lot of death and destruction. What these liberals are actually hoping for is that innocent people suffer just so Trump will have to go through the minor inconvenience of filing an insurance claim.

This is the same liberal mindset that has them rooting for a recession to hurt Trump’s chances at reelection. They would rather see people out-of-work, losing their houses and savings, then have a President they don’t like.

Back in 2017 when Hurricane Harvey hit Texas and Hurricane Nate hit Florida, liberals were giddy with excitement because these places that were devastated occurred in “Trump Country.” That’s how shitty they are on the left. They think it’s awesome when people who have different political points of view are killed by natural disasters.

Come to think of it, why do liberals want to stop global warming, which they believe causes hurricanes to happen? They completely love it when hurricanes devastate places where Trump has a lot of support. Without hurricanes, they’d only have earthquakes and tsunamis to root for and those things generally happen to places where liberals live.