CNN Manages To Turn Joker Movie Review Into Anti-Trump Rant

Fake news gonna fake news. CNN has pushed all of their resources into opposing and slandering President Trump so it’s not that big of a surprise that even their movie reviews are actually just anti-Trump rants. In covering the hit move Joker, all CNN saw was Donald Trump’s “racism.” This is what happens with Trump Derangement Syndrome: sufferers allow Trump to live rent-free in their heads and soon that’s all they can see, think about, or cry about.

Warning: This article contains spoilers. CNN didn’t bother mentioning that they gave away the end of the film, but in their defense, they were trying take the President down with a movie review so people who haven’t seen this yet can suck it.

“Joker,” the Todd Phillips movie that reimagines the origins of Batman’s killer-clown nemesis, opened this weekend to record-setting box office — fueled by deft marketing and some of the most polarizing critical reaction of any mass-market film in decades.

Set in a very thinly disguised New York City, Phillips’s version of the Joker story has as its protagonist Arthur Fleck, a middle-aged, working-class man who lives with his invalid mother. Fleck works as a clown for hire while fantasizing about romancing the lovely single mother who lives down the hall.

He’s brutalized by young thugs. He’s beaten by suit-clad Wall Streeters. And his answer to this dual pincer of oppression by people of color and one-percenters is a murderous rampage of revenge, which catches fire among fellow angry citizens of Gotham and sends them looting through the streets.

CNN tried really hard to trigger a mass shooting for the opening weekend of Joker by hysterically hyping up the non-existent similarities between the main character and the shooter who opened fire in an Aurora, CO theater for the opening of The Dark Knight. When that didn’t happen, they decided to go after Trump:

While many reviewers have focused on Fleck as an “incel” hero — his status as a sexless loner who turns to violence — the true nature of the movie’s appeal is actually broader: It’s an insidious validation of the white-male resentment that helped bring President Donald Trump to power.

“Joker,” at its core, is the story of the “forgotten man,” the metaphoric displaced and disenfranchised white man whose goodwill has been abused and whose status has been reduced. A man who has been crushed underfoot by the elite, dragged down by equality-demanding feminists and climbed over by upstart nonwhite and immigrant masses.

And according to CNN, Joker is pretty much just a Trump rally:

It draws from the same well of resentment that Trump strums with his racist rhetoric at his rallies — the fear of no longer being at the center of the political, social and cultural universe, with everyone who isn’t you positioned at its perceived edges. (After all, being racist, sexist and anti-gay only “pushes boundaries” if you define yourself as “normal” and define nonwhite, non-male and non-straight people as marginalized outsiders.)

In 1968, after Richard Nixon was elected president, Peter Schrag cited “Forgotten Americans” as the primary reason for his victory — white, working-class voters who were once the “hero of the civic books…’the bone and sinew of the country,'” Schrag wrote. “Now he is ‘the forgotten man,’ perhaps the most alienated person in America.”

Trump, in his 2016 victory speech, paid similar homage to the “forgotten men.” But while Schrag pointed to Nixon’s law-and-order based platform as his key appeal to the alienated, forgotten white male, Trump won by using outrageous statements, theatrical posturing and grimacing mockery to generate raucous mob energy — the very opposite of law and order. White men, in particular, responded to his rhetoric and persona — seeing in him a disruptor of oppressive correctness who could lead them back to the top of the heap and the center of the world.

Cool theory, bro but what about all of those college-educated white women who are the real reason why Trump won in 2016?

Not sure if you’re picking up on this, but the general message this “film reviewer” is trying to send is that it is a racist act for a politician (Republican) to attempt addressing any issues white working class people might have. Like the only way a politician can be non-racist is to pander to minority communities. Anything that benefits everyone is a hate crime.

Now back to the TDS:

At the end of the movie, a triumphant Fleck — seemingly dead, but magically revived by the cheers of a throng of clown-masked rioters — does a grotesque soft-shoe on top of a shattered cop car, literally dancing on the destroyed remains of the rule of law. Imagine Fleck as Trump, shrugging off impeachment, rebounding with his roaring red-hatted supporters, winning reelection against every prediction and probability.

I haven’t seen the movie yet, but people rioting, destroying public property, and dancing on destroyed police cars sounds a lot more like Antifa and Black Lives Matter. It takes some serious Trump-related psychosis to link this activity to the President, but if there’s one thing CNN has it’s TDS. They don’t have ratings, viewers, or integrity, but they sure can throw a temper tantrum over the results of the 2016 election.