Finally a scumbag gets what he deserves. I’ve long had a problem with those who advocate the releasing from prison of so-called “non-violent drug offenders,” specifically drug dealers. In my mind there is no such thing. My reasoning is this; whether it is via direct acts of violence or not, even the most seemingly peaceful dope dealer is contributing to violence and death by their actions.
First, in my personal experience (and that is considerable) in a direct sense there are very few “non-violent” drug dealers. There will always be those customers who rip you off or try to rob you, and if you allow that to happen you aren’t going to be in business very long. Every low-life thug around will eventually catch wind of it and pay you an unfriendly visit. How do you prevent that? You can’t go to the cops so you have to prevent such situations through violence. Whether the dealer commits the act of retribution themselves or utilizes another individual or individuals to perform the deed for them, it’s an act of violence.
Secondly, somewhere along the line of supply, a dealer’s product has to come from somewhere. Things like fentanyl, heroin, cocaine, meth, and yes, even a lot of illegal marijuana, don’t just appear out of nowhere. The higher up you go in the supply chain the more unsavory the players become. I’m talking about various organized crime operations in the US, China, and Mexican drug cartels. If you think for one second that these operations aren’t operating using extreme violence you’re a fool. So if you’re selling illegal drugs you’re contributing to violence, outright murder, no matter how non-violent you think your personal operation may be.
Aside from that there’s the overdose deaths some of these drugs cause. There’s the violent acts committed by the addicts in their desperate attempts to get and use more of their preferred poison. Then there’s suicides from distraught addicts because of the wrecks their lives have become.
So that being said, and although the death penalty was not an option, I’m still hoping one day it will be in these cases, I was happy to see at least one asshole got what he deserved.
A fentanyl dealing scumbag in Utah got a mandatory life sentence in Utah
Utah man, 29, ran 50-state opioid ring out of basement; now faces life in prison, authorities say
A man in Utah was convicted Friday of running a multimillion-dollar opioid ring out if his basement that pumped more than a half-million counterfeit pills laced with fentanyl across the country into all 50 states, according to a report.
A federal jury found Aaron Michael Shamo, 29, of Cottonwood Heights, guilty of 12 federal charges as the ringleader of a group of friends who made and sold illegal drugs on the dark web, The Salt Lake Tribune reported.

He was found guilty of running a “continuing criminal enterprise,” which carries a mandatory life sentence, according to the newspaper. The jury was hung on one charge related to the overdose death of a man in California.
Isn’t that what all drug dealing is? A continuing criminal enterprise? Unless you only do it once, it’s continuing. Why can’t we lock all of them up for life?
“Shamo’s conviction today is a significant victory in the ongoing war on illegal opioids in our state and nation,“ Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes said in a statement. “Utahns owe a debt of gratitude to all involved in taking down this predator.”
Prosecutors argued Shamo was a ruthless drug dealer who gambled heavily, partied on boats and paid for table service at concerts all while knowing that his customers were becoming sick from the knock-off prescription pills he sold them.
“Sick” indeed. And don’t forget dying. Again, there’s no mention of any direct violence committed by this guy. Just another “non-violent” drug offender who needs to be forgiven and released early while his end users turn blue and die.
In order to evade a possible life sentence, defense said Shamo was not smart enough to be the leader of the operation, noting he purchased a pill press machine, packaging items and other supplies in his own name without trying to cover it up. They also noted that several other members of the group accepted plea deals and will not serve time behind bars.
Yeah, because those other people ratted his ass out, you dumb fuck. Oh, and stupidity is not a valid defense, counselor.
“He’s going to die in prison,” Shamo’s defense attorney, Greg Skordas, told the newspaper. “That was the government’s goal. And they reached it.”
Good. Hopefully slowly and painfully like a lot of his customers.
“He’s just a kid,” Skordas continued, “and to think that he will never have another meal with his family, never go on a date, never watch his child be born. Ever. He’s 29 years old. And his life is over.”
Boo fucking hoo. He’s not a a kid, shitwit. He’s a 29 year adult who chose to make money by directly and indirectly victimizing people. How many of his customers, some no doubt even younger than him, will never have another meal with their families, never go on a date, never watch their children be born, ever . . . because they OD’ed on his drugs?
Fuck him. I hope he gets raped by an AIDS infected leper.