Bernie Sanders is apparently very popular with Millennials and Gen Z because what’s cooler to young people than a crotchety 77-year-old communist? There is however one group of youngsters that ain’t drinking his socialist Kool Ade: infants. At a recent campaign stop, Bernie actually yelled at a baby to shut up. If this seems like bad optics, Bernie’s not worried. He will have returned to the soil before that baby is even potty trained, so it’s not a voting bloc he needs to worry about.
Remember when politicians used to shake hands and kiss babies on the campaign trail? Well, these are progressive times and this is progress:
Socialist Bernie Sanders snaps at infant.
Tells crying baby, “Can we keep *that* down a bit?”— Benny (@bennyjohnson) September 4, 2019
In a room of maybe a half-dozen people, someone asked Bernie a question and he began responding incoherently when off to the side a baby squealed. Bernie turned towards the baby and shook his old man fist at it.
“Would you keep that down a bit?” Bernie asked angrily.
Bernie then turned back to the “crowd” and was completely lost. That one baby squeal made him completely forget what the hell he was talking about. This is actually some good opposition research for the other democrats running in 2020. At the next debate, while Bernie is talking, just let out a high-pitched squeal and after his outburst of anger, his mind will be blank.
I have no idea where this campaign stop was, but it looks something like a VFW lodge. Whatever it is, the locals came out to hear Bernie speak and his plan was undoubtedly to show them that’s he’s a regular guy, just like them. Instead, he yelled at a baby to shut up.
It’s not like this baby was crying for minutes, it just made a one-time baby-squeal, proving what a short fuse Bernie has. The fact that he snapped this quickly is very revealing as to what type of person he is and that type is someone we commonly refer to as an asshole.
The thing is, these democrats put up a false front to appear grounded and likable, but they’re really intolerant elitists, which is something they can’t hide. Remember in 2016 how many times Hillary Clinton went full-bitch on her own supporters just because they wanted an autograph or selfie? Bernie, Hillary, and all the democrats don’t give a shit about anyone but themselves. They look at people as potential voters and stepping stones to power.
If there was any way that Bernie could win office without ever having to fraternize with the “commoners” you can bet your ass he’d do it. He is obviously someone who is very uncomfortable around regular people. Last week he was rude to staff at a restaurant because they wanted to meet him and this week he’s yelling at babies to shut up.
I can’t wait to see what Bernie has in store for his next campaign stop. Kicking puppies, stiff-arming Girl Scouts, maybe spitting on the handicap?