Nancy Pelosi Commands Democrats Not To Accept A 2nd Trump Term

Just a few days ago Nancy Pelosi was warning that Donald Trump will not accept the results of the 2020 election and here she is telling her fellow democrats to not accept the results of the 2020 election when Trump wins. The jittery House Speaker is commanding her minions that they cannot accept a 2nd Trump term, which according to her rules is an assault on our democracy. I’m just kidding, I know democrats have carve-outs in their rules that exempts them from the things they find outrageous in others.

A couple of days ago Pelosi did an interview in which she claimed that Trump would not accept defeat in 2020 and refuse to leave office. This of course was a classic case of projection as it is the democrats who never accept the results of the elections they lose. Fast-forward to Tuesday and Pelosi is telling democrats they can’t accept it when Trump wins a second term in 2020:

“We cannot accept a second term for Donald Trump if we are going to be faithful to our democracy,” said Pelosi.

Pelosi is a nut, but that may be the craziest thing she’s ever said. Democrats have to reject the will of the people in reelecting Donald Trump in order to preserve democracy? How does that make any sense, even using liberal logic? That’s like saying that in order to save lives you have to kill babies. Oh wait, that’s their defense of abortion so I guess this Pelosi argument jives with liberal logic after all.

Weirdly enough, Pelosi also seemed to endorse President Trump, though unwittingly, in 2020:

“We have to make sure that the Constitution wins the next presidential election,” Pelosi said.

Again, she’s a kook so she may actually think that the Constitution is running for president, but I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt and say her opinion is that someone who respects the Constitution has win in 2020. If that’s the case, democrats are out and Pelosi is saying Trump has to win a 2nd term.

Every single democrat running in 2020 has some kind of a gun control plan that violates the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Part of every single one of the these unconstitutional gun control plans are measures that eliminate due process, making them extra-unconstitutional. All the 2020 dems favor policies that limit freedom of speech and religion so they are shitting on the 1st Amendment as well.

Several of the democrats running have said they would use executive action to force these unconstitutional polices on America, sidestepping the Constitutional separation of powers.

Throw in all of the socialism and redistribution of wealth bullshit and there isn’t one thing the 2020 dems stand for that is authorized or allowable under the US Constitution.

If the Constitution must win the next election as Pelosi has stated, then she can’t possibly be endorsing any of the 22 democrats who are running in 2020. That just leaves Trump, who hasn’t violated the Constitution or even attempted to. I know she didn’t mean it to come out like that, but she’s saying Trump must win. I don’t know why, but it makes me feel uneasy when I agree with something Nancy Pelosi says.

The real message Pelosi is delivering here is that when Trump wins reelection, he is not legitimate. Last time around the democrats had the elaborate Russian collusion hoax to deny his legitimacy, but they won’t be as fortunate in 2020. It seems shitty, and it is, but democrats are shitty people. Besides, this is a pretty big acknowledgement from Pelosi that Trump is guaranteed 4 more years.