Prickly Princess AOC Triggered By Anti-Socialism Ad During Dem Debate

Put a sock in it bitch…

A devastating ad that aired during the latest Democrat debate that depicted a burning face of social media demagogue Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has predictably drawn her ire.

Viewers who tuned in to watch the radicalized and fully totalitarian Democratic party candidates vow to impose socialism and confiscate guns from law-abiding Americans were treated to a blast of truth normally unseen on network or cable television.

The ad which was backed by the New Faces GOP PAC featured founder Elizabeth Heng speaking from experience of the horrors of the murderous ideology. Her father was caught up in the living hell of the reign of terror of the communist Khmer Rouge during the 1970s uprising in Cambodia.

The ad marks the first time that a Republican-affiliated group has dared to showcase the misery, oppression and death that are the end result of the policies advocated by the 2020 Dems and the 29-year-old former bartender who is their de facto leader.


Is that hard-hitting or what?

Like a vampire shrieking and hissing at sunlight, AOC is melting down over the ad which accurately depicts the grave consequences of socialism.

Using her standard big lie that the ad was a part of the nefarious white supremacist conspiracy that his operating out of the White House, the thin-skinned Twitter diva unleashed a missive to her cult-like followers.

Via The Washington Examiner, “Burning AOC ad during Democratic debate sparks outrage”:

An advertisement showing the image of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez bursting into flames aired during ABC’s Democratic debate in Houston on Thursday, prompting a heated response from viewers.

The 30-second ad, from a Republican-affiliated PAC named New Faces GOP, features its founder Elizabeth Heng, a former GOP congressional candidate in California, warning about liberal politicians who embrace socialism.

“This is the face of socialism and ignorance,” Heng says as a photo of Ocasio-Cortez catches fire and burns away to show harrowing images from the Cambodian Civil War in the 1970s from which her father fled.

“Does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez know the horrors of socialism?” Heng continues. “My father was minutes from death in Cambodia before a forced marriage saved his life. That’s socialism: Forced obedience. Starvation. Mine is a face of freedom. My skin is not white. I’m not outrageous, racist, nor socialist. I’m a Republican.”


Her fellow anti-Semitic, communist ‘Squad’ members quickly rallied to her side, mobilizing their own social media hate mobs to bully ABC into retracting and apologizing for the ad even if it was historically accurate.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to not see striking similarities in the new wave of extremist “Justice Democrats’ that don’t conjure harrowing visions of the brutal Khmer Rouge who relied on young people and even children to implement their “Year Zero” remaking of Cambodian society as the bodies piled up in the killing fields.

The seeds of such horrors have already been planted her by the lying AOC and the unthinking legions of social media zombies who she commands every time she whips out her iPhone.

In a development that would have been unthinkable only a few short years ago, the Democratic party has become a radicalized force that is hellbent on the destruction of the nation, our institutions and most importantly, our economic system.

In a nutshell, they hate us for our way of life and are determined to strip our freedoms from us and in the process, erase our shared history while rebranding America as a racist, white supremacist nation.

Driven by a blind fury and a refusal to accept the results of a legitimate election, Democrats and the political left have fully embraced the most destructive force in human history as the wrecking ball that they would take to our society and that force is socialism.

And the only thing that can stop them is the truth.