Democrat Joe Manchin Says Beto Ain’t Taking His Guns

Fading democratic party superstar Beto O’Rourke has made gun confiscation the cornerstone of of fledgling presidential candidacy promising that he will take everyone’s AR-15s and AK47s. This boast is so laughable that even his fellow democrats are telling him to sit down and STFU. West Virginia democratic Senator Joe Manchin let it be known in no uncertain terms that Beto is not taking his or anyone else’s guns.

Last week during the democratic debate O’Rourke looked into the camera and said, “Hell yes we’re taking your AR-15, your AK-47.” He was so proud of this threat against the Constitution that he printed it up on t-shirts to help support his soon-to-be-over presidential bid.

Many have pointed out how unhelpful Beto’s bold talk is to passing any kind of gun control legislation, including democratic Delaware Senator Chris Coons. In regards to Beto’s threat during the debate, Coons said, “I frankly think that that clip will be played for years at Second Amendment rallies with organizations that try to scare people by saying Democrats are coming for your guns.”

“I’m a gun owner. My sons and I have gone skeet shooting and hunting and, frankly, I don’t think having our presidential candidates, like congressman O’Rourke did, say that we’re going to try and take people’s guns against their will is a wise either policy or political move,” added Coons.

Today, Joe Manchin was asked about O’Rourke’s gun confiscation scheme and went even further:

“Beto’s one human being. He gave his own opinion, OK? I think it was very harmful to make it look like all the Democrats. I can tell you one thing, Beto O’Rourke’s not taking my guns away from me. You tell Beto that OK?” Manchin said.

You know you are a anti-gun extremist when a democrat gives you the “Molon Labe” treatment.

Here’s where it gets interesting: Will O’Rourke take Manchin’s statement as a death threat? The reason why I ask is because over the weekend a Republican state lawmaker from Texas said pretty much the same thing and Beto reported him to the FBI for threatening his life.

Despite all of this, O’Rourke remains completely oblivious to how unpopular he and his unconstitutional lunacy really are:

Well no, democrats aren’t behind Beto’s gun confiscation plan and neither are democratic voters. The latest NBC poll shows that O’Rourke’s support has slipped to just 1%. Hell, even Chuck Schumer is disavowing O’Rourke’s crazy talk.

Does any of this look like the democratic party and America are behind O’Rourke’s plan to go door-to-door taking people’s legally owned firearms?

What we’re seeing here are the opening salvos of the democratic party civil war. Moderate democrats like Manchin are starting to realize that the whacko stuff coming from the radical wing of the party is damaging. How is Manchin supposed to compete in a red state like West Virginia when his party is associated with socialism, open borders, gun grabs, and infanticide?