Monday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

On No! It’s already Monday!

The Whistleblower

By Ben Garrison

The Democrats are desperate for any anti-Trump negativity. They’ll take anything and blow it up into a full-fledged scandal.

The latest Fake News springs from an anonymous US intelligence operative in Ukraine. His ‘whistleblowing’ amounted to nothing and it has already been discredited. The individual apparently doesn’t like the President. Trump called him a partisan. His whistleblowing has already been determined to be a baseless accusation. It’s not actionable under the law.

rump did nothing wrong, but the Democrats are in a frenzy. They’re now drumming up a new witch-hunt based on the hollow whistleblowing. It will be used to expedite impeach proceedings against the president.

Some Democrats immediately launched into hysterics. Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi want the whistleblower’s complaint brought before Congress. Cory Booker hyped up the accusation as ’stunning’ and called Trump’s administration the ‘most corrupt’ of his lifetime. Hillary Clinton stated Trump “asked a foreign power to help him win an election. Again.” An ironic statement from her and drenched in hypocrisy, considering she paid for a Russian dossier filled with anti-Trump lies in an attempt to remove him from office.

Clinton has no problem engaging in treason and getting help from foreign powers—including communist China. The shrill Elizabeth Warren urged Congress to Impeach Trump, calling it their Constitutional duty while claiming Trump isn’t above the law. Well, we all know Hillary certainly is—she remains protected by the Deep State.

It has become clear the Democrats will not let the president do his job without their endless harassment. They can’t come up with legitimate reasons to impeach him, so they invent reasons.

They don’t need facts or the law on their side. They’re leaving a lot of broken whistles in their wake.

Check out all of Ben’s awesome cartoons and commentary HERE.

Orwellian Nightmare: Six US Cities Make List Of Most Surveilled Places In The World

Via Zero Hedge

A new report from Comparitech, a technology research firm, details how an Orwellian society, very similar to what was written in George Orwell’s (non-fiction) novel 1984, is playing out across cities in the US. According to Comparitech, six US cities made the top 50 list of the most surveilled places in the world.

Why? Because closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras in the US have increased from 33 million in 2012 to nearly 62 million in 2016 and could double or triple from there in the next five years. Both government and private sources operate these cameras in cities.

Surprisingly, CNN HQ-host Atlanta was the US city to make the top ten list, with 15.56 cameras per thousand residents. Cities in China dominated the top 10 ten, with 8/10 spots. Cities in China averaged 39.93 to 168.03 cameras per thousand residents. London, England, was No. 6 on the list with 68.40 cameras per thousand residents.

The five other US cities on the top 50 most surveilled places in the world were all Democratic party bastions, including Chicago No. 13 with 13.06 cameras per thousand residents; Washington, DC, No. 28 with 5.61 cameras per thousand residents; San Francisco No. 38 with 3.07 cameras per thousand residents; San Diego No. 42 with 2.48 cameras per thousand residents, and Boston No. 46 with 2.23 cameras per thousand residents.

Read the entire article HERE.

Dems Cook 10,500 Steaks While Lecturing Americans About Eating Less Meat

Via The Washington Free Beacon

Several Democratic presidential candidates will be attending an annual steak fry event, despite lecturing Americans about the need to eat less meat because of climate change.

The organizers of the Iowa Polk County Democratic Party’s annual steak fry will be grilling 10,500 steaks and 1,000 vegan burgers on 10 grills, during Saturday’s event. Some of the candidates will grill steaks themselves.

Democratic candidates recently participated in a CNN climate town hall, where multiple candidates discussed the importance of reducing meat intake. Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) called for the U.S. government to create incentives to eat less meat.

“As a nation, we actually have to have a real priority at the highest level of government around what we eat and in terms of healthy eating because we have a problem in America,” Harris said. “But there has to be also what we do in terms of creating incentives that we will eat in a healthy way, that we will encourage moderation and that we will be educated about the effect of our eating habits on our environment.”

Read the entire article HERE.

No Matter Who Wins in 2020, There Will Be Blood

Via The American Thinker

The machinations of an illiberal left, on display in its ever-increasing violence accompanied by the ululations of a propagandist media in contravention of an imaginary “white supremacist” right, have riven the nation into diametrically opposed camps.

The right will never accept socialism, while the left will accept nothing less.

Trump Wins

Those on the left will not allow a Trump victory, even should he win the popular vote and the Electoral College. They are used to getting what they want and like spoiled brats, have learned that tantrums work.

Should Donald Trump prevail in his bid for a second term, the left will go insane, deploying every “insurance policy” weapon at their disposal to negate four more years of the Orange Man. What Obama, Comey, and Brennan et al. did to Trump in his first term will seem mild in comparison to what the left is planning should he win.

Antifa, the military arm of the Democratic Party, has not spent the last three years practicing and organizing merely to sit on the sidelines. They have used the interregnum to mobilize and learn tactics, while probing to find what government will allow, media will trumpet, and the public will endure.

Read the entire article HERE.

Climate activists plan to try to shut down DC traffic Monday

Via The Hill

Climate activists are planning to block streets throughout Washington, D.C., during the Monday morning commute.

The “Shut Down D.C.” effort is seeking to draw attention to the climate crisis.

The protest is scheduled to line up with the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York.

It also follows strikes across the world on Friday for climate action.

“We will block key infrastructure to stop business-as-usual, bringing the whole city to a gridlocked standstill,” the organizers said on the event website.

“Parents, workers, college students, and everyone who is concerned about the climate crisis will skip work and school and put off their other responsibilities to take action on the climate crisis.”

Several groups, including Black Lives Matter D.C., Code Pink, and Sunrise D.C., are joining the effort to close off traffic.

Read the entire article HERE.

On campus of 30,000 students, less than 10 attend the university’s white privilege workshop

Via The College Fix

At University of North Carolina at Charlotte, little interest in ‘White Consciousness Conversations’

Only nine students showed up to take part in the University of North Carolina at Charlotte’s workshop series focused on teaching students about white privilege and related topics.

The total number of students in the audience for the first “White Consciousness Conversation,” held Sept. 10, was nine — but two were students there not as participants but as journalists mainly to observe. One was from The College Fix and another from the Niner Times campus newspaper.

Of the remaining seven students, five are members of the university’s conservative Young Americans for Freedom chapter, who were there more out of curiosity and concern about the nature of the seminar and its taxpayer-funded narrative as opposed to learning about how they allegedly perpetuate racism and inequality as Americans with white skin.

Finally, the other two students attended because their professors offered them extra credit to do so, they told The Fix.

Read the entire article HERE.

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