Primary Challenger Bill Weld Says Trump Should Be Executed For Treason

If you needed any proof that never-Trumpers have TDS worse than the liberals, Bill Weld gave it to you. The former Massachusetts governor and current 2020 GOP primary challenger to Trump says the President is guilty of treason and should be executed over the Ukraine nonsense. The democrats meanwhile are simply calling for Trump to be impeached, which is a hell of a lot more moderate than demanding his death. When your hysterical positions are more extreme than Bernie or AOC, maybe the Republican Party is not the place for you.

This all starts with the intelligence inspector general informing Congress that an unspecified whistleblower complaint had been filed against President Trump, though absolutely no details of this complaint were provided. The liberal media have speculated that Trump threatened to withhold military aide to the Ukraine if they didn’t investigate Joe Biden and his rotten son Hunter. Fact-free media speculation turned into fact for democrats who are demanding that Trump be immediately impeached.

And then there’s Bill Weld. Check out what he had to say on MSNBC:

“Talk about pressuring a foreign country to interfere and control a U.S. election. It couldn’t be clearer. That’s not just undermining democratic institutions,” started Weld.

Wait for it…

“That is treason. It’s treason pure and simple. And the penalty for treason under the U.S. code is death. That’s the only penalty,” said Weld.

And he kept going:

“The only penalty for treason is death. It’s spelled out in the statute. It’s well past time for this guy, in my opinion to be colloquial, to be carted off to save us all. We’ve got treason and we don’t have to dribble around the court, we can go right for the hoop” Weld said.

A bad basketball analogy shouldn’t detract from the fact that Weld has convicted Trump of treason and says he should be carted off to be executed. The greatest thing about this is that the MSNBC clowns didn’t even bat an eye. Generally speaking, journalists would be at least mildly shocked at someone saying the President of the United States should be killed, but not MSNBC. Technically they aren’t journalists, but still.

On top of being to the left of leftist extremists, Bill Weld proves his liberal credentials on this one by being completely wrong.

Just for fun, let’s pretend that everything the President is accused of is 100% accurate, that still doesn’t equal treason. Here’s Article III Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution to explain why:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.

If Trump did threaten to withhold military aide from the Ukraine until they investigated the Bidens that’s not even close to the Constitutional definition of treason. Trump didn’t try to make war with the U.S. and he didn’t give aide to our enemy, seeing as America is not at war with the Ukraine. I guess you could argue that Joe Biden is an enemy of the U.S. but in this fictional scenario Trump wasn’t trying to help him.

Putting all of this together, Bill Weld has emerged as the farthest left lunatic in the country: Based on wild speculation without a shred of proof, Weld says that Trump should be executed for a crime that doesn’t apply to the lie being told. Even Maxine Waters isn’t that insane, and when you out-crazy Mad Maxie, that’s an accomplishment.