Treacherous Romney Sides With Pelosi In Coup Against Trump

Treason is the reason…

Bitter sore loser Mitt Romney continues to show his true colors by once again siding with Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats over the phony Ukraine scandal that is being used as a basis for impeachment.

Ever since the loser of the 2012 presidential election and the man who singlehandedly made it possible for Barack Obama to destroy America for four additional years won Utah’s Senate seat, he has stabbed President Trump in the back at every opportunity.

Wednesday was no different after Trump authorized the release of a declassified and unredacted transcript of a conversation with new Ukranian President  Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

Despite rampant speculation and media lies about what transpired on the call, Trump did not either threaten or offer a quid quo pro deal to Zelenskiy regarding the investigation of dirty dealings by Joe Biden and his scummy cokehead son.

With the transcript backing up Trump’s account, it did not matter to Mitt who huffed and puffed and took the side of the Democrats who he has always had much in common with as the former governor of ultra-liberal Massachusetts.

Via The Hill, “Romney: Trump-Ukraine transcript ‘deeply troubling'”:

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) said Wednesday that a transcript of a call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is “deeply troubling.”

“I did read the transcript. It remains troubling in the extreme. It’s deeply troubling,” Romney told reporters. “Clearly what we’ve seen from the transcript itself is deeply troubling.”

Romney added: “There’s a process the House is pursuing. The Senate is also looking at the testimony of the whistleblower.”

During an event with Hillary Clinton and others at a big soiree for the Beltway elite propaganda rag The Atlantic, Romney also said:

“If the president of the United States asks, or presses, the leader of a foreign country to carry out an investigation of a political nature, that’s troubling, and I feel that,”

“Clearly if there were a quid-pro-quo, that would take it to an entirely more extreme level.”

Romney’s ongoing positioning himself as the new Jeff Flake who can always be counted on to undermine Trump makes it clear that when impeachment goes to the Senate that he will be among the RINO turncoats who vote to overturn the 2016 election.

It was that election that Mitt also had a big problem with as he bitterly whined throughout the primary process despite lacking the testicular fortitude to get into the ring with the other sixteen GOP candidates and take his whipping from Trump like a man.

But few have ever mistaken Mitt Romney for an alpha male and his long history of fecklessness grows longer with each news cycle.

One thing of note that could be a bug up Mitt’s buttcrack is the news that the ex-spook who served as a national security adviser during his doomed 2012 campaign just happens to sit on the board of directors for the same Ukranian gas company that Biden’s son was involved with.


Via Breitbart News:

Joseph Cofer Black, a national security adviser for the 2012 Mitt Romney campaign, sits on the board of directors of Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian oil and gas giant that paid at times more than $83,000 per month to Hunter Biden, former Vice President Joe Biden’s youngest son.

The American Thinker, which first brought the story to light, noted it is “an odd coincidence that Mitt has as CNN puts it ‘been a lone Republican voice expressing concern about President Donald Trump’s July phone call with Volodymyr Zelensky in which Trump asked Ukraine’s President to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his family.’”

In October 2011, Romney announced that Black, who had served in the CIA since 1974, had been selected as a special adviser.

In additon to his jealous grudge against Trump it would appear that Senator Romney may have other reasons to get rid of the president before he starts digging into illicit activities in Ukraine where it is beginning to look as though the entire plot to overthrow him has been offshored to.

Somebody should investigate this turncoat and turn up the heat on the nest of vipers that have targeted Trump and the entire American political system.