Obama Endorses Blackface Canadian PM Justin Trudeau But Not Whiteface American VP Joe Biden

Obama’s still got it. In one single tweet the former president proved how completely full of crap liberals and their double-standards are in two distinct ways. He endorsed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has a serious problem with wearing blackface. This is both meddling in a foreign election and dismissing liberal racism. Remember kids, things are only bad when Republicans do them.

Obama won’t endorse his former VP Joe Biden, who is running for the U.S. presidency, but he slobbered all over this foreign leader:

Trudeau, besides being a beta-male soy-boy sissy-pants, is also a raging racist with a long history of appearing in blackface. It’s weird how Obama doesn’t seem to care about this like he would if a conservative politician did it. We can’t know for sure what Obama’s reaction to a Republican doing blackface would be because it’s only democrats and liberals who seem to do this, but chances are it wouldn’t include an endorsement.

This is made worse because during Obama’s 8-year reign of ineptitude literally hundreds of people lost their jobs and had their lives ruined because they did or said things that were perceived as racist against the former president. A rodeo clown was fired for wearing an Obama mask and yet Obama has no problem endorsing a white guy who likes “shucking and jiving” in blackface.

Aside from endorsing a known liberal racist, Obama is also trying to interfere in a foreign election. How is this any different than the BS his administration tried set up to sabotage Trump’s presidency? Obama, a former U.S. president, is trying to sway the vote of a foreign country, which is the same thing he claims Russia tried to do in 2016. If Trudeau is reelected, will he be impeached for colluding with the U.S. to influence the election?

Try to imagine what would happen if Russian president Vladimir Putin issued a public endorsement of President Trump for 2020. All of liberaldom would simultaneously explode and Obama would be bloviating about how this undermines our democracy and disenfranchises minorities from voting. He of course wouldn’t use Trump’s name and would refer to the minorities as “some folks” but the message would be clear.

Liberals knew what they were doing when they drew up the rules for acceptable outrage. Because they are all terrible people, they wisely put in a carve-out for them so that they couldn’t be held accountable for the shitty things they do and say. Racism? Sexism? Espionage? Those are all things that only matter if conservatives do them.

Need proof of this? How many times have liberals freaked the hell out on President Trump for something that Obama also did? How many times have liberals lost their shit, blaming Trump for an Obama-era policy? Immigration enforcement, travel bans, and health care come immediately to mind.

There is a silver lining in this awful Obama tweet and its raging hypocrisy: Right now, as you read this, Joe Biden is on a bus or plane somewhere on the campaign trail going, “WTF?, Barry.” Obama won’t endorse his former VP for President of the United States, but throws his full support behind the racist nancy-boy Canadian prime minister. That’s the funniest thing that has happened all year.